Colecția de Povestiri Science-Fiction & Fantasy pentru Nevăzători, The Collection of Sci-Fi and Fantasy Stories for Visually Impaired

Colectia Povestiri SFF pentru Nevazatori Antares Collection Sci-Fi Fantasy Stories for Visually Impaired 2023

Colecția de Povestiri Science-Fiction & Fantasy pentru Prietenii Noștri Nevăzătorii a fost lansată la AntareSFest 2023 Editia VII care a avut loc la Brașov, Octombrie 2023.

The Collection of Science-Fiction & Fantasy Stories for Our Visually Impaired Friends was launched at AntareSFest 2023, the 7th Edition, held in Brașov in October 2023.

Acest articol este redactat in limbile română și engleză.
This article is presented in Romanian and English.

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Vampire History You Never Knew of, a Comprehensive Journey

spooky shadow night passage Sibiu comprehensive journey vampire history

“Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster.”

Friedrich Nietzsche

The eternal enigma of vampires lingers in the realm of night. Enigmatic creatures, known for their mysterious nocturnal journeys in pursuit of the life-giving crimson essence, yearn for the vitality they’ve forfeited, thereby weaving a tapestry of legends across history.

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