I’m for Romania, #Im4Ro, on Romania’s National Day

I am excited to introduce I’m for Romania, #Im4Ro, promoting positive news about Romania on December 1st, Romania’s National Day.

I’m for Romania, #Im4Ro, use this hashtag if you share positive news, information, or good words about Romania.

1st December is Romania’s National Day!

Romanians have been long dreaming, and waiting for the Great Union.

Finally, as a result of thorough internal planning and international opportunities arising, on December 1st 1918 the National Assembly of Romanians from Transylvania and Hungary (naming representatives of Romanians living in Transylvania, Banat, Crișana and Maramureș), gathered at Alba Iulia to decreed – by unanimous vote – the Union of Transylvania with Romania (The Kingdom of Romania, comprised of Wallachia and Moldavia united since 1859). While Dobruja (since 1878), Bessarabia (March 1918) and Bucovina (November 1918) were already united with Romania. Over 100 000 Romanians travelled to Alba Iulia, at Câmpul lui Horea, Horea’s Field, to witness the Great Unification.

A (very) concise historical timeline of the events that shaped Romania:

Because they believed in the immortality of the soul and were not afraid to die , Herodotus called them “the fairest and most courageous of men.”

How well do you know Romnaia? Travel to Romania via 25 Amazing Photos on my blog or…

Remember my latest book, my pride and joy now in LARGE PRINT too:

Transylvania's History A to Z

Remember #Im4Ro, I’m for Romania, use this hashtag if you share positive news, information, or good words about Romania.

15 Replies to “I’m for Romania, #Im4Ro, on Romania’s National Day”

  1. Awesome! I admit I was never interested in History. But Wow! You have presented amazing facts of history of Romania that has caught my interest. Wonderful post.

  2. Is this hashtag your initiative or it existed and you simply brought it to our attention? Either way, thank you! A hashtag for good news about my country lifts my spirit. May it be flooded with many, many entries! ❤️

  3. #Im4Ro is my initiative, Jo 🙂

    I’ve been using on Twitter (where I live) for a while now. I’ll add it to my blog posts promoting Romania and – hopefully – others will join.

    I’ll promote it on Facebook too. And other platforms. 🙂

    So if you feel inclined to spread the word, please do 🙂 Thank you!!

  4. Unfortunately, I’am afraid, Patricia, that in my part of the world, we do not know much of this rich history of Romania and I very much appreciate the energy you put into helping us to learn a little bit more about it! Many thanks and have a good day:)

    1. Ah, Martina, you are too kind!!

      No worries. I wanted to “launch”the hashtag on this special day 😉

      Thank you for always being so supportive!

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