Patricia Furstenberg – Historical Fiction, Contemporary, Kids Books Author

Welcome to the official website of Author Patricia Furstenberg, author of historical fiction, contemporary novels, and kids books.

Discover your next favorite stories that blend history with travel, fiction and a dog or two.

Latest Release

DREAMLAND, Banat, Crisana, Maramures, Transylvania, 100-Word Stories, Folklore and History

‘Beautifully written and impeccably researched, Dreamland is a captivating read- Goodreads Reader.
This is a collection of fleeting impressions, lived truths, reflections, descriptive essays, and snapshots of a life lived in fabulous ways.
These stories are meant to evoke passages from history and I tried to write them with passion and lyricism and, I hope, wit. Telling stories is the best way to keep the past, this untouchable treasure, alive.
Read more

Available in: ebook, paperback, hardcover, large print (coming soon)
Dreamland: Banat, Crisana, Maramures, Transylvania, 100-WORD STORIES, Folklore and History by Patricia Furstenberg


Transylvania’s History A to Z: 100 Word Stories

Transylvania’s History A to Z: 100 Word Stories

Transylvania’s unspoiled natural beauty, its tumultuous history, and the people who touched it are depicted in this book.

Find out more here.

JOYFUL TROUBLE, Based on the True Story of a Dog Enlisted in the Royal Navy

Joyful Trouble in Large Print Edition

A book set during World War II. An unbelievable and humorous true story about an incredible dog and how he found his true, yet unexpected calling.

Find out more here.

You might also be interested in these article on my blog:
A comprehensive look at dogs, these silent heroes of war.

SILENT HEROES, When Love and Values are Worth Fighting for

Silent Heroes: When Love and Values Are Worth Fighting for Patricia Furstenberg

How far would you go to save strangers in need? A platoon of Marines and their military working dogs, MWD, are about to find out. Chosen One of Five Books Everyone Should Read in Their Lifetime. A book about the dogs, the soldiers and the civilians caught in the War in Afghanistan.

Find out more here.

You might be interested in the following articles on my blog:
Read the opening pages of Silent Heroes
Amazing location depicted in Silent Heroes
Symbolism depicted in Silent Heroes and its meaning

CHILDREN’S BOOKS by Patricia Furstenberg

Your Amazon BUY links:
Just Nuisance, the Sea – Dog
The BLT, the Bear, the Lion and the Dog
The Chimp and the Dog

The Cheetah and the Dog
The Lion and the Dog
The Elephant and the Sheep

Happy Friends, Diversity Stories, 12 in 1

Find out more about my children’s books on my website here.
Kinder Prentenboek in Afrikaans.
Deutsche Kinderbücher: kids books in German.

POETRY BOOKS by Patricia Furstenberg

Click on titles for Amazon BUY links or find more about my poetry books on my website here.


”Brings the joy of Christmas with each page.”


Caution: hilarious and addictive!
As engaging as a tail wag, As Good as Gold is a book for all ages and all dog lovers. No war here, just the happy thrill of laughter.

PUPPY – 12 Months of Rhymes and Smiles

A fun way to learn about a puppy’s first year of life.

BELLE CAT, Whiskers on My Mat

True story with a heartwarming, surprising ending of pet rescue.

African-themed stories:


Based on the true story of an African hippopotamus that traveled 1 600 km (1, 000 miles) along the coast of South Africa.


Jock of the Bushveld – the importance of giving second chances with an open heart.


Inspired by Spark, the Bravest Stallion of the 18th Century, who lived near the Cape of Storms (Cape Town), South Africa.

Where you can buy Patricia Furstenberg’s books:

Discover Patricia Furstenberg’s books through Amazon, Amazon UK, Amazon US, Amazon worldwide, Barnes & Noble, Harvard Book Store, BAM! Books-a-Million, Book Depository, BooksPeople, BookShop, Hachette Book Group, Hudson Booksellers, IndieBound, iMusic, LOOT, PagesBookshop, Powell’s, SkylightBooks, Takealot, and Walmart!

Meet Patricia Furstenberg

I was born in Bucharest and was brought up listening to the legends and folktale’s of Romania’s past. This and the books I grew up amongst gave me a love for words.

I have always been drawn to discovering more about the people and the dogs featured in historical events. What stirred them? What was the lay of the land they walked upon, the color of the sky or the scents carried by the wind? It is such stories that I find still resonating today. Discovering these secrets, writing these books, thrills me. Thus, my passion for historical and contemporary fiction books rooted in historical events was born.

I love researching such tales, traveling (researching my next book we visited medieval Sighisoara), exploring hidden corners, and unearthing new facts, forgotten characters, or hidden clues. I love to give them a voice and to bring them into the light through my tales. Be it people, animals, or the land and its architecture, no details are too small, no voice is too soft. What was once overlooked now brings history alive in my historical or contemporary fiction books and short stories, such as the 100-words stories based on the history of Romania.

Join me.


Patricia Furstenberg- author picture credit Arrie Bezuidenhout
Patricia Furstenberg- author picture credit Arrie Bezuidenhout

For her books on Romania and her blog #Im4Ro, Patricia Furstenberg was included in Top 100 Romanians from Everywhere Category Art 2023, Top 100 Români de Pretutindeni, by Repatriot, as featured in Newsweek Romania.

Also by Patricia Furstenberg, collaborative work, poems and short stories published in literary magazines:

Patricia Furstenberg’s poetry and short stories are published by: Poetry Potion (South Africa), Masticadores Rumania (Romania), The Poet Magazine, Spillwords, Lothlorien Poetry Journal, Plum Tree Tavern, Visual Verse, Erato Magazine, Militant Thistles, The Japan Society Haiku Corner, Academy of the Heart and Mind Literary Magazine, Masticadores India, Gobblers and Masticadores (Spain), Scarlet Dragonfly Journal, WSA Writers Space Africa, The Drabble, Medusa’s Kitchen, Cold Moon Journal, Green Ink Poetry, Kalahari Review, The AVBOB Poetry Competition 2022, Setu Literary Journal, Ariel Chart Literary Journal, Active Muse, Sparks of Calliope, “Bud & Branch” Poetry Collection by Green Ink Poetry, Friday Flash Fiction, “Our Changing Earth” Poetry Collection by The Poet Magazine, Poetry Pea Journal, Oddball Magazine, and forthcoming: The Kingfisher Journal, Amethyst Review, The BeZine, The Starlight SciFaiku Review, Starship Sloane Publishing, Story Radio UK, Kelp Journal – The Wave.

Patricia Furstenberg was voted Author of the Year on Spillwords Press Awards MMXXIII.

Home – Patricia Furstenberg, Author: Historical Fiction, Contemporary, Kids Books


Theory of Mind and Its Value in Storytelling

Let’s look at the role of Theory of Mind in storytelling as exemplified by two short stories and then see how the use of theory of mind can add value to your story by creating multidimensional characters, by enhancing conflict and tension, by immersing readers into the historical mindset and by deepening a narrative’s emotional connection with the reader. Lastly, I will give you four pointers on how you can easily use theory of mind in your work.

Discover Why We STILL Tell Stories

We continue telling stories not only to share our unique perspectives and connect with others, but also to leave behind a quiet legacy, a bridge between us and the future where our words may echo across time, offering glimpses of who we were and what we dreamed.