I am excited to share with you my second article, How Astonishing Women from Romania’s Past Inspired Me as a Woman Writer, published by Books By Women. Sharing the research and inspiration behind writing my latest historical fiction, Dreamland.
I felt the positive vibes created by my previous article written for Books By Women, Why We Need Contemporary War Fiction Written by Women, original post here, extending as far as last week! When a Gulf War Veteran wrote to me saying that I inspired her to finally begin writing the story she carried inside for so many years.
It is heartwarming to interact with fellow women writers and readers.
If my latest historical fiction book Dreamland will inspire and motivate at least one girl, one woman, the way Astonishing Women from Romania’s Past Inspired Me as a Woman Writer, it will be enough to fuel me for future writing projects. Such as my WIP, work in progress, where a young woman, gentle but fearless, takes shape as leading character in a time, and world, led my men.

Thank you for reading How Astonishing Women from Romania’s Past Inspired Me as a Woman Writer, published by Books By Women.
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