By the Tree and What the Eye Smells on Poetry Potion

I am thrilled to have two more poems, By the Tree and What the Eye Smells, featured on Poetry Potion “A Poem a Day”.

By the Tree and What the Eye Smells on Poetry Potion

By the Tree – published on 6 June

Old George crawled each morning
Still half-asleep, to the foot of the tree
that rose outside the churchyard-
Where the path curved through the shade.
The tree with carvings in its bark,
Of love.

He’d lift his old army hat,
Smiled at the passersby
who chose the roadway,
Not the street-
His arm like the tree bark, with carvings
Of war.

I remember him lying against the roots,
A mass of contorted clothes,
grey hair like a bird’s nest
giving out a strong whiff of cheap wine.
Strange markings on his arm,
In ink.

Then the winter came sooner.
Under the tree
where Old George used to sleep
a mound of snow appeared.
The bark veiled in snow,
In white.

By the Tree by Patricia Furstenberg for Poetry Potion


What the Eye Smells – published on 13 June

I wanted to be
The lace on the wave
The curve in the ocean
When it swells with love.
But I am not,
I am me.
I wanted to be
The spark in the sand
The diamond that shines
Mightier than the sun.
I am but me.
Let my eye not smell.
This way.
I am my mother’s right hand
And my father’s left foot.
I am trial and error
Flesh, bone, and will.
Not perfect.
Not curvy.
Not lacy.
No spark.
But honest
I’m me.
True to the heart.

What the Eye Smells by Patricia Furstenberg for Poetry Potion

Poetry Potion is part of Kwasukela Media.

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21 Replies to “By the Tree and What the Eye Smells on Poetry Potion”

    1. Thank you,Danny.
      I like that title too, What the Eye Smells, but I can’t take credit for it. It was one of the daily prompts suggested at Poetry Potion.

  1. Congratulations Patricia! These are beautiful poems, wonderfully written. I particularly love What the Eye Smells.

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