Where the White Storks Migrate, Folktales and Histories Along their Path

a mustering of storks at the beginning of their migration, February 2025

For centuries, the white storks migrated witnessing humanity’s triumphs and tragedies unfold beneath its wings. From the old African tribes to the sacred temples of Egypt and the battlefields of the Levant; from the grandeur of Ottoman palaces to the villages of Romania, the white storks have traveled through space and time. They carry no bias, no memory of war or peace. Only the rhythm of migration and the promise of return. And so, when it takes flight again, it remains, as ever, a silent witness to the world’s unfolding tale.

Yesterday, on the 21st of February, we witnessed the white storks taking flight on their migratory journey. Let’s join them.

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Discover Why We STILL Tell Stories

Transylvania's History A to Z fiction and travel photography

From the moment I learned to read, and even before that, I was drawn to stories. During my highschool years in Bucharest, between chemical formulas and physical vectors, I would write about fictional characters and dreamed locations. The legends and folktales of Romania’s past influenced my tales—the same narratives I had heard as a child, the same words that had stoked my passion for writing stories.

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Whispers of Superstition in a Transylvanian Night, Saint Andrew

I’ve prepared a short narrative for the Night of Saint Andrew that explores the deeply ingrained superstitions of Transylvanian culture. The gates between this world and the realm of the dead are said to open on Saint Andrew’s night in Romania. It is thought that restless spirits, also referred to as strigoi, moroi, or vampires, haunt communities, cause problems for the living, and engage in other mischievous activities. On this fateful night, the past and present converge in this tale of superstition, bravery, and encounters with the unknown, all set against the enigmatic and legendary background of Transylvania.

Read now on Romania Insider: Stories from readers: Romanian-born author explores Saint Andrew’s night superstitions in a special story. Enjoy!

Unexpected Friendships In Children’s Books, My Interview With Twinkl

The Cheetah and the Dog, The Elephant and the Sheep, The Lion and the Dog, diversity stories

Recently I had the pleasure to chat about the unexpected friendships encountered in my children’s books with lovely Ciske Momberg, the Content Executive for Twinkl South Africa.

Twinkl is an online educational publishing house founded in 2010 and headquartered in Sheffield, England, producing teaching and educational materials and providing educators and parents across the world with high quality, trusted teaching and learning resources. Twinkle South Africa is aligned with CAPS.

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