On researching my latest book, Dreamland, I met astonishing Women from Romania’s past who inspired me in my carer as a woman writer.
Continue reading “Astonishing Women from Romania’s Past Inspired a Woman Writer, Patricia Furstenberg”Patricia Furstenberg in Interviu / Interview with Manuela Timofte, Gobblers & Masticadores
Astonishing Women from Romania’s Past on Books by Women
I am excited to share with you my second article, How Astonishing Women from Romania’s Past Inspired Me as a Woman Writer, published by Books By Women. Sharing the research and inspiration behind writing my latest historical fiction, Dreamland.
Continue reading “Astonishing Women from Romania’s Past on Books by Women”Fun to Be #CuCapuNZori LIVE on TVR1 with Anca and Bogdan
I had so much fun chatting with Anca Mazilu and Bogdan Stănescu on #CuCapuNZori LIVE morning show on TVR1, Romania’s National Television station (with heartfelt thanks to Mircea Mitrofan). Hear me speak Romanian. Hit PLAY:
Continue reading “Fun to Be #CuCapuNZori LIVE on TVR1 with Anca and Bogdan”Dreamland, Cover Reveal, New Historical Fiction by Patricia Furstenberg
Out today Dreamland, new historical fiction by Patricia Furstenberg: Dreamland: Banat, Crisana, Maramures, Transylvania, 100-WORD STORIES, Folklore and History.
Continue reading “Dreamland, Cover Reveal, New Historical Fiction by Patricia Furstenberg”