Discover Why We STILL Tell Stories

Transylvania's History A to Z fiction and travel photography

From the moment I learned to read, and even before that, I was drawn to stories. During my highschool years in Bucharest, between chemical formulas and physical vectors, I would write about fictional characters and dreamed locations. The legends and folktales of Romania’s past influenced my tales—the same narratives I had heard as a child, the same words that had stoked my passion for writing stories.

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The History of Christmas Trees in 9 Merry Short Stories

A fir sprig adorned ancient Rome or Dacian blouses; candles on fir trees recalled Christ's star; behind closed doors Christmas traditions endured Communist times.

Explore the history of Christmas trees through nine short stories and let’s be merry time traveling from ancient Rome and Dacia to the Druids and Saint Boniface, through medieval Germany and the Baltic Renaissance. Follow the journey under the glow of Martin Luther’s candles, which also adorned royal Christmas trees, and even hear whispers of those hidden under Romania’s Communist regime. Let us celebrate light and birth on one of the longest and most magical nights of the year.

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Top 5 Reasons Why Romania Is More Than a Setting, It’s a Character in my Books

Bucegi mountains near Bran Pass

Can you imagine that Romania is not merely a setting, but a vital character that breathes life into my published stories included in Transylvania’s History A to Z and Dreamland: Banat, Crisana, Maramures, Transylvania, 100-word Stories, Folklore and History, but also into my upcoming historical fiction book series? Romania’s mountains and villages, ancient legends and resilient history do more than provide a backdrop—they shape each tale, lending mystery, depth and a sense of timeless resilience.

In the same way a compelling character grows and transforms, Romania’s past and landscape infuse my books with a personality as vivid as any protagonist.

Before I dive into the top five reasons, let’s first unravel what it takes to craft an unforgettable character—and how I did it, how Romania, with all its vibrant spirit and beauty, steps effortlessly into this role.

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The Role of Storytelling in Literacy, Chatting with Twinkl South Africa on International Literacy Day

role of storytelling in literacy Twinkl SA Patricia Furstenberg

To celebrate International Literacy Day I had the joy of chatting with talented Magret Botman, Segment Manager: Intermediate Phase Twinkl Ltd, about the Role of Storytelling in Literacy.

We also discussed early memories of reading; my writing process; why is storytelling important in the context of literacy education; using storytelling as a tool in the classroom; how digital age impacts children’s storytelling and reading habits, and what changes I would you like to see in the way literacy is taught in schools:

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Unexpected Friendships In Children’s Books, My Interview With Twinkl

The Cheetah and the Dog, The Elephant and the Sheep, The Lion and the Dog, diversity stories

Recently I had the pleasure to chat about the unexpected friendships encountered in my children’s books with lovely Ciske Momberg, the Content Executive for Twinkl South Africa.

Twinkl is an online educational publishing house founded in 2010 and headquartered in Sheffield, England, producing teaching and educational materials and providing educators and parents across the world with high quality, trusted teaching and learning resources. Twinkle South Africa is aligned with CAPS.

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