I am researching again, a task both exhilarating and overwhelming as I have to sieve such fascinating information and only retain the story bits that I need. I want to learn about Medieval women, especially, in the belief that women can write about war as well as take part in it. Mark Twain said: “The very ink with which history is written is merely fluid prejudice.” Hmm. So, here’s a bit of my research: Convents, the religious life of Medieval Women.
Continue reading “Convents: the Religious Life of Medieval Women 1/3”Achieving Calm through all the Chaos
I just gotten used to writing 2019 and, in a flash, it already flew by, taking with it milestones and achievements, forgotten plans and stolen moments with my family. Life is faster, we work harder, have more plans, higher goals, yet we are busier than ever before. I grasp at the meaning of calmness through the chaos that my present day translates to. My heart knows it before my mind, achieving some state of calm through all this chaos is a must. Deep breath now…
Continue reading “Achieving Calm through all the Chaos”5 Secrets Revealed in Silent Heroes. Women’s Rights under Taliban
Sometimes, a truth so inconceivable in its existence during the 21st century, like women’s rights under Taliban, is overlooked by mass-media and only revealed in a book: Silent Heroes, When Love and Values Are Worth Fighting for.
Continue reading “5 Secrets Revealed in Silent Heroes. Women’s Rights under Taliban”Afrikaanse Vergelykings – Afrikaans Simile – Your Comprehensive & Fun Guide
Welkom by Afrikaanse Vergelykings – Afrikaans simile.
We often use similes without realizing, when we desire to emphasize the meaning of an idea or an image. But similes allow us insight into a different culture, as you can notice from these Afrikaans similes and their English translations.
Ons gebruik gereeld vergelykings, somtyds sonder dat ons dit besef, om ‘n idee of beeld te versterk. Vergelykings gee ons ook insig in ander kulture, soos jy kan opmerk van herdie Afrikaanse vergelykings en hulle (direkte) Engelse vertalings.
Continue reading “Afrikaanse Vergelykings – Afrikaans Simile – Your Comprehensive & Fun Guide”Fastest Route to Mona Lisa, Louvre, Paris
The fastest route to Mona Lisa in the Louvre, Paris, exists.
It is possible to see the Mona Lisa with (almost) no one else around. The fastest way, the quickest way to see the Mona Lisa (Gioconda, or LA JOCONDE as the French name her) by Leonardo da Vinci and located in the 1st floor, DENON wing, room 711 / room 8: “LA JOCONDE” in the Louvre Museum, Paris, is shared here, step by step.
Continue reading “Fastest Route to Mona Lisa, Louvre, Paris”