Whispers of Superstition in a Transylvanian Night, Saint Andrew

I’ve prepared a short narrative for the Night of Saint Andrew that explores the deeply ingrained superstitions of Transylvanian culture. The gates between this world and the realm of the dead are said to open on Saint Andrew’s night in Romania. It is thought that restless spirits, also referred to as strigoi, moroi, or vampires, haunt communities, cause problems for the living, and engage in other mischievous activities. On this fateful night, the past and present converge in this tale of superstition, bravery, and encounters with the unknown, all set against the enigmatic and legendary background of Transylvania.

Read now on Romania Insider: Stories from readers: Romanian-born author explores Saint Andrew’s night superstitions in a special story. Enjoy!

Winter Whispers, Tales from the Frosty Depths

Once again…welcome to my house. Come freely. Go safely; and leave something of the happiness you bring..” – Bram Stoker, Dracula

Winter has part of the world secured in its icy tendrils. I would love to jump in a sleigh and journey around the world, unravel frost-kissed tales where every shadow conceals a legend and every whisper of winter winds tells a story.

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On the Night of Saint Andrew, on Wolves’ Night #Im4Ro

On the Night of Saint Andrew, on Wolves' Night #Im4Ro

On the Night of Saint Andrew, on wolves’ night, in Romanian folklore it is believed that the boundary between the living world and the realm of the dead becomes blurred. Troublesome spirits, known as strigoii, moroii, or vampires, are said to roam the villages, especially the crossroads, tormenting the living and even inflict harm.

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Vampire History You Never Knew of, a Comprehensive Journey

spooky shadow night passage Sibiu comprehensive journey vampire history

“Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster.”

Friedrich Nietzsche

The eternal enigma of vampires lingers in the realm of night. Enigmatic creatures, known for their mysterious nocturnal journeys in pursuit of the life-giving crimson essence, yearn for the vitality they’ve forfeited, thereby weaving a tapestry of legends across history.

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