Witchcraft and Witch-Hunting in Transylvania, a Historical Journey

Witchcraft and Witch-Hunting in Transylvania, a Historical Journey

Today we unveil the shadows of the past, taking a historical journey into Witchcraft and Witch-Hunting in spellbinding Transylvania. I am taking this trip to understand the main character of the book series I write.

I’ll attempt to shed a light on the ancient pagan traditions of Transylvania, Romania, its rich folklore and supernatural practices. I’ll take a peek at the local cultural beliefs surrounding witchcraft, at the witchcraft hysteria that seized Europe and choked Transylvania too, followed by witchcraft persecution and witch-hunting methods, as well as the impact that witch-hunting had on communities. I’ll touch on notable witch trials in Transylvania, and – how else – look into local witch legends and stories.

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Old Targului Street Sibiu Day-Night Walk Photos and a Medieval Story

Old Targului Street Sibiu Day-Night Walk Photos and a Medieval Story

As we wandered on the thousand years old Targului Street in Sibiu and snapped both eerie and cheerful photos I imagined how life must have been like for the Saxons who built the first wooden houses here during Medieval Era and wrote a story.

Sibiu started, as did our journey on my blog, on a small piece of land: Huet Square, Goldsmiths’ Square, and Targului Street.

With this blog post I join the beautiful & world-wide Thursday Doors weekly challenge hosted by Dan Antion, do have a look. Dan also read one of my poetry books about dogs, and I am grateful to him for sharing his candid thoughts.

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