Here, in South Africa, it is the blend of our Rainbow Nation, of our diverse cultures, beliefs and traditions that we celebrate on the 24th of September, on Heritage Day. (Updated 22 August 2021)
Continue reading “Celebrating South Africa and its Heritage Day through Pictures”Looking UP: Unique Street Lamps from Bucharest, Romania #Im4Ro
This past holiday I chose to look up, towards the sun, the sky and the buildings’ roofs and I discovered unique street lamps in Bucharest, Romania. I discovered some surprising sights that put a smile on my face and sparked my writer’s brain (or so I liked to imagine).
Continue reading “Looking UP: Unique Street Lamps from Bucharest, Romania #Im4Ro”5 Remarkable Places You Will Want to Visit After Reading Silent Heroes, When Love and Values Are Worth Fighting for
Only five places to want to visit after reading a book such as Silent Heroes?
Whenever I read a book depicting real locations, actual places I can find on a map, a novel in which genuine artwork is described, and tangible, concrete buildings I know I can also visit are part of its setting, I tend to be more immersed in its story-line. The storytelling becomes more credible and, if by chance or choice, I visit those place I find myself immersed in that particular book again and, often, I pick it up and read it again.
Continue reading “5 Remarkable Places You Will Want to Visit After Reading Silent Heroes, When Love and Values Are Worth Fighting for”Chestnuts, Christmas Haiku, HaikuSan
Chestnuts, Christmas Sunday Haiku: Haiku-San
Continue reading “Chestnuts, Christmas Haiku, HaikuSan”Haunted Halloween, a Haiku
If you can’t have enough of the all saints’ eve celebration, welcome to Haunted Halloween, a Haiku.
Continue reading “Haunted Halloween, a Haiku”