Dilmah Extra Strength and Premium Black Tea, Beautiful Floral Pick-me-up

Choosing between Dilmah Extra Strength and Premium Ceylon black tea, a review: aroma, taste and color. Caffeine content, best pairing of black tea, secret tips.

Choosing to brew tea daily was a bold infusion for me. As someone who cherished the robust, invigorating punch of daily coffee, I was skeptical about finding a strong tea that could match that intensity. But then I encountered Dilmah Extra Strength black tea, a blend so rich and full-bodied that it left me smiling. It’s not just tea; it’s an experience.

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Birds from a South African Garden and Their Beautiful Legends

Thrush Bird checking expecting an answer

Birdwatching is a serene escape into the natural world, offering wonder through observing avian plumage, songs, and behaviors, not to mention discovering unique legends. Birdwatching fosters patience and mindfulness, reminding us of nature’s beauty in the Anthropocene era.

Discover the following garden birds making their nests in our back yard in Gauteng, South Africa: Cape Sparrow or Mossie, Southern Masked Weaver, Cape Glossy Starling, Cape-Turtle Dove, Laughing Dove, Karoo Thrush Bird, Tiptol Bird or Dark-Capped Bulbul, Crested Barbet, and Red-Head Barbet today.

Coming soon: Dark-capped bulbul, Grey Go-Away Bird (Lourie), Southern Boubou, Common Myna (Indian Myna), Hadeda Ibis, African Hoopoe, Red Billed Wood Hoopoe, Cape White-Eye, Thick-Billed Weaver, and more, as soon as they visit our garden.

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Into the Tower of St. Mary’s Evangelical Church Sibiu, Daring, Hypnotic, and Legendary

Sibiu Lutheran Cathedral four turrets, symbology

St. Mary’s Evangelical Church of Sibiu, with its imposing presence shrouded in mystery, steeped in centuries-old legends, still beckons those who dare to explore its depths. As twilight descends on the city once known as Hermannstadt to the four corners of the world, its ancient streets echo of St. Mary’s Evangelical Church mysterious whispers. Undoubtedly, the cloak of twilight still draws curious souls to the towering silhouette of this Lutheran Cathedral.

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