We’ve had a lovely summer here, with long and beautiful days and evenings ideal to read under the shade of a tree while enjoying a little treat, thus pairing books with chocolate sprang to life from the pages of many novels.
Continue reading “Pairing Books with Chocolate”The Rose at the End of my Garden, a poem
The Rose at the End of my Garden, a poem
If you walk through the garden and follow the path,
Past the spot where the dogs love to nap,
Past the corner and up a step,
Past the grass that’s half sun, half shade…
Why Is a Cat Not Like a Dog?
Why Is a Cat Not Like a Dog? ~ a poem from a dog’s perspective from the poetry book for animal and nature lovers ‘As Good as Gold‘.
“A cat has a heart-shaped nose above a mouth with piercing teeth,
A cat has paws with soft, pink cushions hiding sharp claws beneath,
A cat has pointy whiskers, to catch running drops of milk
And a tail to play with, a tail that flicks, made of silk.
A Boy and his Dog
The boy broke his run at the entrance to the park and, panting heavily he leaned forward, hands on nobly knees. A trickle of sweat ran down his ripe cheeks; another drop just missed its show, landing in the dirt. The boy watched as his breath stirred the sand at his feet; for an instant, it rolled into tiny balls.
Continue reading “A Boy and his Dog”Winternag – Winter Night by Eugene Marais
Enjoy Winternag, Winter Night by Eugene Marais here in both Afrikaans and English.
Eugene Marais was a South African lawyer, naturalist, poet and writer. He wrote this poem in 1905.