Words by Patricia Furstenberg on the Prélude from Enescu ‘s Suite Ancienne inspired by a live performance of Laura Pauna. The recording below was performed in 1981 by talented Romanian pianist Aurora Ienei, particularly renowned for her interpretation of George Enescu’s piano compositions.
Continue reading “Words by Patricia Furstenberg on Enescu ‘s Suite Ancienne”The Legend of Putna Monastery #Im4Ro
It took the strength of two men to open the massive wooden doors of Putna Monastery, and they groaned with legends as they parted. And it took two to open the massive doors leading to its nave, a stone engraving overhead remembering all those who helped rebuild and protect it.

Mary and Constantin Rosetti, a Love Like None Other #Im4Ro
‘None is happier than the poet for he lives twice, as a man and an angel. With the sole exception that through his earthly life he experiences nothing but happiness and candor. But what use is this material life to me, for when it offers me love, I feel unworthy to partake in it?’ These are the thoughts of young Rosetti of 24 years of age on the eve of the 1840’s Christmas.
Continue reading “Mary and Constantin Rosetti, a Love Like None Other #Im4Ro”The Legend of the Christmas Tree, a Bird and a Fir Tree #Im4Ro
This legend of the Christmas Tree, of a lost bird and a kind fir tree, comes from the land where I was born, Romania. Enjoy it (it even begins like any Romanian tale). Merry Christmas!
Continue reading “The Legend of the Christmas Tree, a Bird and a Fir Tree #Im4Ro”In the News: Expat Life Chat, Steve Allison and Patricia Furstenberg Podcast #Im4Ro
Listen below – it starts with a 100-word story created especially for the show…
Continue reading “In the News: Expat Life Chat, Steve Allison and Patricia Furstenberg Podcast #Im4Ro”