Die Fennek of Woestynjakkals, or the Fennek or Desert Jackal, is the second story in die babadiertjies van Afrika, baby animals from Africa series, and for your reward you can also read The Jackal and the Lion, a Khoisan folktale, down below.
Continue reading “Die Fennek of Woestynjakkals, the Fennec or Desert Jackal and a Story”The Spiral Staircase, from Symbol to Mystery
Carved out of stone or wood, to defeat or hide a secret passage, the spiral staircase still stands the test of time like a question mark between symbol and mystery.
In the perfect twilight of the room the girl was waiting, her hand on the banister of a spiral staircase, her mind a tornado of thoughts. Should she go up, towards the unknown? Was the spiral she was confronted with a symbol of a destiny written in her DNA, unavoidable, or a chance encounter mystery?
Continue reading “The Spiral Staircase, from Symbol to Mystery”The Story of Military Dog Tags
The story of Military Dog Tags spans millennia, and is fascinating to see how keeping our silent heroes accounted for during war times was first a priority, to later fade away only to return out of a basic human desire of being known, even in death, and not to become one of (too many) unknown soldiers.
Continue reading “The Story of Military Dog Tags”Green Are… Poem and Photography from my Garden
Green Are, Poem and Photography from my Garden
Green are the leaves that grow between birds
Outside my window, playing hide and seek with the sky.
And green are the last of my vineyard’s hopes too,
Among rusty leaves, the last of a summer of grapes.
A History of Furstenberg: Coins, a Castle, Porcelain, and a Street
Tracing the history of name Furstenberg I discovered some coins, perhaps part of a treasure found in a castle, as well as porcelain fit for a King residing on a Parisian Street.
Continue reading “A History of Furstenberg: Coins, a Castle, Porcelain, and a Street”