Dragostea mea pentru povești a început la radio.. Vă invit, cu drag, să îmi țineți companie. ***** My love for stories began on the radio. Join me. *****
Născut în România – Invitată: Patricia Furstenberg, scriitoare de origine română stabilită în Africa de Sud (un interviu in limba română ***** Born in Romania – Guest: Patricia Furstenberg, Romanian-born author based in South Africa***** (an interview in Romanian).
Top 5 Reasons Why Romania Is More Than a Setting, It’s a Character in my Books
Can you imagine that Romania is not merely a setting, but a vital character that breathes life into my published stories included in Transylvania’s History A to Z and Dreamland: Banat, Crisana, Maramures, Transylvania, 100-word Stories, Folklore and History, but also into my upcoming historical fiction book series? Romania’s mountains and villages, ancient legends and resilient history do more than provide a backdrop—they shape each tale, lending mystery, depth and a sense of timeless resilience.
In the same way a compelling character grows and transforms, Romania’s past and landscape infuse my books with a personality as vivid as any protagonist.
Before I dive into the top five reasons, let’s first unravel what it takes to craft an unforgettable character—and how I did it, how Romania, with all its vibrant spirit and beauty, steps effortlessly into this role.
Continue reading “Top 5 Reasons Why Romania Is More Than a Setting, It’s a Character in my Books”Historical Tales from the Romanian Highlands Now in Dreamland
Discover the little-known stories that influenced the history and folklore of Romanian highlands now in “Dreamland,” described as “a captivating read, delightful and fascinating” and “a magical tour through Romania’s history and folklore” through skillfully written 100-word stories.
If you enjoyed traveling to the lush Romanian Banat region via forgotten stories you will love today’s highland tales: wolves, witches, gothic warrior women and shepherds!
Continue reading “Historical Tales from the Romanian Highlands Now in Dreamland”Read This Surprising Legend Now, Before Traveling To Spellbinding Sibiu
Reading about the legends and history of a place you plan to visit is a must if you wish to turn your traveling experience into a whimsical time. Sibiu is a spellbinding traveling location and Romania’s Destination of the Year for 2024. Yes, my native Romania, Europe’s coolest destination.
Continue reading “Read This Surprising Legend Now, Before Traveling To Spellbinding Sibiu”Travel Now to Lush Romanian Banat via Forgotten Stories
It’s never been easier to journey to the Romanian Banat than it is right now, via its forgotten stories whispered by the wind, carried by its streams, and shared by its welcoming people.
Continue reading “Travel Now to Lush Romanian Banat via Forgotten Stories”