On the Night of Saint Andrew, on Wolves’ Night #Im4Ro

On the Night of Saint Andrew, on Wolves' Night #Im4Ro

On the Night of Saint Andrew, on wolves’ night, in Romanian folklore it is believed that the boundary between the living world and the realm of the dead becomes blurred. Troublesome spirits, known as strigoii, moroii, or vampires, are said to roam the villages, especially the crossroads, tormenting the living and even inflict harm.

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Being Bold, Climbing A Rare Medieval Council Tower, Bewitching Sibiu

Council Tower Sibiu view Small Square Big Square Patricia Furstenberg

Join me in climbing the seven floors of medieval Council Tower of bewitching Sibiu, located in the heart of Transylvania. We’ll squeeze our shoulders and bow to history as we’ll make our way up, up, up, but slowly, along a narrow spiraling stone staircase. We’ll pause to gather our wits and breath deeply before climbing further up on the suspended wooden stairs, all the way to the top!

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Storytime, An Unexpected Christmas Gift – Un Dar Neaşteptat de Crăciun

Oldest Christmas Carol. Wise Men and Infant Jesus in Manger

An Unexpected Christmas Gift

It was Christmas Eve and while it was still early afternoon, with the heavy clouds now lying low and everyone’s excitement buzzing like bolts of energy, the twinkling lights had begun to glow in the shops’ windows, on the eaves, hung in trees, tucked around door frames, or even adorning the houses of the village. As the wait for Christmas was nearly over and winter still had a long time ahead, mostly feasts and holidays, the cheer was barely contained.

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