An Interview with Romania Insider about Transylvania’s History in 100-word Stories #Im4Ro

Excited to share my interview with Romania Insider about Transylvania’s History in 100-word Stories, my latest historical fiction and travel photography book. With heartfelt thanks to Irina Marcia, Senior of Editor Romania Insider.

Romania Insider is the the online leading source of reliable, English – language news from Romania.

Transylvania’s history in 100-word stories: An interview with the Romanian-born author

Interview Transylvania History Romania Insider Patricia Furstenberg

“Romania’s Transylvania has sparked the curiosity and interest of people worldwide, be it writers, film directors, historians, or travellers. Patricia Furstenberg, a Romanian-born author living in South Africa, has decided to tell Transylvania’s History from A to Z in a rather different way: a fascinating collection of short stories of exactly 100 words each.

“Patricia Furstenberg grew up in Bucharest and discovered parts of Transylvania during her many travels there, made both as a child and later on in life. “I spent my childhood being chased by guinea fowls in Argeș, and my teen summers on the Mureș banks of Arad,” she told” (Romania Insider)

You can read the interview’s intro on Romania Insider here.

An Interview with Romania Insider about Transylvania’s History in 100-word Stories

What readers say about Transylvania’s History A to Z:

“I cried for the burgeoning love crushed by the heavy blow of a bat-like object. I painted child-art on a cave’s wall. I slept against the green cushion of the moss in the kingdom of my brother, the woodland. I crossed the Apollodorus Bridge and carved my passing on a tree. I danced with Călușarii a wild war-dance. I fought the Ottomans alongside Vlad the Impaler, my hero. I whistled my longing in a doina. I travelled centuries through wonderful pictures and inspired text, and I enjoyed every minute of it. I was once again proud to be a Romanian. That’s what Transylvania’s History, A to Z, 100-Word Stories meant to me.” (Jo, FilmSerial Blogger)

“I’m a big fan of very short stories and recognise the skill required to say so much when limited by a word count. In her book, ‘Transylvania’s History A to Z’, Patricia Furstenberg, manages to do that extremely well.” (Millie Thom, Historical Fiction Author, Amazon Review)

“Transylvania’s History A to Z by Patricia Furstenberg is a wonderful combination of stories, photos, history, and legends about Transylvania, Romania.” (Bonnie Reads and Writes)

“I bought the paperback version of Patricia’s book and was delighted by the photos and the short stories.” (Dawn Pisturino, Writer and Amazon Reader)

Transylvania's History A to Z

You can buy Transylvania’s History A to Z from Amazon, or read it with Kindle Unlimited.

Transylvania’s History A to Z is a book for the lovers of travel, history, and stories.

It meant a great deal to me, as a Romanian and an author who writes and blogs about her native land, to chat to Romania Insider about Transylvania’s Stories A to Z, my latest book.

I chatted to them previously, at the beginning of this year, when I was still working on my book about Transylvania’s history through stories, and you can read that interview here.

25 Replies to “An Interview with Romania Insider about Transylvania’s History in 100-word Stories #Im4Ro”

    1. I popped over to read the interview, Pat. Through your answers and your stories, you have taught me so much about a wonderful country I knew very little about. Thanks for that.

    2. Thank you, Dan.
      I think recognition is a two way street, as you have to prove you deserved it in the first place.

      Enjoy the read 🙂

  1. Hey, I think I know one of your readers. wink 🙂 Congrats, Patricia! ❤️

  2. I enjoyed your interview concerning your book, Patricia, and would like to congratulate on it for telling us something about the differences between the two countries:) I would very much like to try the baked sesame pretzels from Rumania!

    1. Aww, thank you, Martina!! My husband loves those pretzels. No matter how many we tried here, they are not the same. We even baked some, and they were almost, but not quite the same 😉

      Thank you so much! 😉

  3. congrats on the interview. the part I read was quite good, but I could not read all of it, as it asked me to subscribe to Romania-Insider. some wonderful comments from readers!

    1. Thank you so very much, Jim. 🙂 I do appreciate your positive thoughts.

      Yes, I was also pleasantly surprised that they chose to post it on their subscriber’s site.

  4. Congratulations, Pat! Well deserved recognition. I loved reading your interview. You have opened a window to an area of the world I have not been familiar with.

  5. Congratulations Patricia! This is so wonderful! I read the intro and got to know a little more about you. It’s an honor and pleasure to stay connected to one’s birthplace and heritage. The feeling is a blissful one. I wish to visit Romania some day. Maybe you can come along. Haha. Keep writing, sharing, and inspiring! 🙂

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