Patricia Furstenberg, Interviu cu Manuela Timofte pentru Masticadores Rumania – în română.
Am avut plăcerea de a discuta cu Manuela Timofte pentru Masticadores Rumania (România) despre scris, despre creionarea cuvintelor pe hârtie, şi despre folosirea limbajului în mod ticluit, dar cu rost, în construcţia viitoarelor cărţi.
Patricia Furstenberg, Interview with Manuela Timofte for Gobblers & Masticadores – in English.
I had the pleasure of chatting to Manuela Timofte from Gobblers & Masticadores about writing, about streaming words on paper, and about using language to build thought out books, future homes for even more stories.
Manuela Timofte is a writer and the editor and soul behind Masticadores Rumania, and she often shares her thoughts on her personal blog.
Masticadores Rumania este pagina în limba română a Grupului Gobblers & Masticadores, un loc de întâlnire pentru scriitorii şi editorii din întreaga lume.
Masticadores Rumania is the Romanian page of Gobblers & Masticadores, an online magazine featuring talented writers of poetry and short prose worldwide.

I was unable to connect to the page, but congratulations on your interview my friend!
Thank you so much, Kym. 🙂
The links work from my side.
Congratulations Pat!
So happy for you. I’ll go there later on!
You’re very kind, Cindy.
Thank you 🙂
Wonderful questions and answers, Patricia. It’s always intriguing to know more about the writer inside a person. You are very talented and I wish you much satisfaction and success in writing. Keep going! 🙂
Well said, Terveen, know the writer inside the person. I would say, also know the person inside the writer 🙂
I enjoyed Manuela’s questions too.
Have a brilliant week, Terveen, and thank you.
You look so cute in that picture with your hair braided. 🙂
Sweetie 🙂 thank you so much! 😉
You’d expect an interview to be somewhat technical. But I suspect it depends on the interviewee. Your interview is poetry in prose. I enjoyed reading every word…the same enjoyment I feel reading your cute stories about animals or the historical ones. Looking forward to the dual timeline novel. It already sounds like something I’d love reading. (ar putea fi a treia oară când postez comentariul acesta 🙂 Am probleme și la Masticadores… Poate a treia oară e cu noroc. 🙂 )
Thank you so very much, Jo. I do appreciate the time you took to read and comment – again and again.
It means so much to hear that you love my writing style 😉 So much!
Thank you.
Yes, third time lucky. I am glad you persisted.
Ma straduiesc sa scriu in fiecare zi la romanul ‘cela. Ca de altele vad ca imi fac timp imediat.
Hi Patricia! Congratulations on your interview for Masticadores Rumania online magazine. Just read the interview and it was very nice to discover more about you as a writer. I wish I was a morning person like you. When it comes to creativity, I’m definitely an evening/night person.
Thank you so much, Blanca.
Intriguing how one’s biorhythm can differ, even within a family if we compare generations 😉
You’ve led a very interesting life, Patricia! Your multicultural experiences are so interesting to read.
This is very sweet of you, Dawn 🙂 Thank you!