Revolution is poetry sums up the history and the Romanian spirit behind Romania‘s National Day, 1st December.

Revolution Is Poetry by Patricia Furstenberg
That day it rained
With bullets and tears
With stones and fear
Brother against sister
Chests bare
Lips dare
I was there.
That day we yelled
Words that killed
Songs that freed
Truths willed
Teeth bare
Fists dare
You were there.
That day they failed,
We stood unafraid.
Kill the revolution
They raged.
Revolution is poetry,
We sang.
Revolution is poetry.
Copyright © Patricia Furstenberg. All Rights Reserved.
Revolution Is Poetry was Poem of the Day on Poetry Potion, KWASUKELA MEDIA, on 28 June. Published on Militant Thistles (the new sister site to The Recusant) on 1st September 2022.
Highly recommended especially if you LOVE folklore, dark tales, and haunted holidays:

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Wishing you and yours a Blessed Festive Season!
Merry Christmas and a VERY Happy New Year!