State of Terror by Hillary Rodham Clinton and Louise Penny, a Review, #StateOfTerror

detailed in depth book review Hillary Clinton Rodham Louise Penny

State of Terror by Hillary Rodham Clinton and Louise Penny is a thoughtful thriller that puts the heart back in the White House, a review.

I could say that State of Terror by Hillary Rodham Clinton and Louise Penny is a political thriller about a handful of politicians and civilians who, except for their patriotism, have nothing much in common yet manage to annihilate a terrorist infiltration into the alt-right movement, a military-coup and a nuclear terrorist attack on US soil. But it is much more than that.

I could say that State of Terror is a conspiracy theory novel suspenseful at times; uproarious at others, and satisfying in the end. It is a book that for me, as a European reader, has put the heart back into the White House politics.

But it is more than that.

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A Resultant Force, Women Writing about War

Silent Heroes by Patricia Furstenberg - Women writing contemporary war books

As an author, I am the resultant force of the books I read, of the places I visit. As a woman, I am the resultant force of the women who influenced my life – my mother, my grandmothers, my daughter, my girl friends, my female role models. As a human being, I am one of the forces shaping my children’s future; albeit a tiny one, I can point forward and upwards.
Scientia potetia est.

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