Travel to Afghanistan by Book

Travel to the unforgettable Afghanistan by book, with Silent Heroes.

Embark on a literary journey to Afghanistan, immersing yourself in captivating books that transport you to this remarkable country. Discover the rich culture, history, and the indomitable spirit of its people through the pages of Silent Heroes.

Experience the gripping tale of a group of U.S. Marines and their loyal Military Working Dogs (MWD) who become the last hope for the survival of a small Afghan community in the city of Nauzad. As they protect the civilians and defend Bost Airport from the Taliban at Qala-e-Bost, these brave Marines face the complexities of war, loss, and the unyielding spirit of Afghanistan.

Silent Heroes: When Love and Values Are Worth Fighting for, 5 stars reviews
Silent Heroes: When Love and Values Are Worth Fighting for, 5 stars reviews

A group of U.S. Marines and their MWD, Military Working Dogs, are the last chance of survival for a small group of Afghan people, the survivals of a city of ten thousand inhabitants. The U.S. Marines fight with bravery to protect the civilians of Nauzad and to fend off the Taliban at Qala-e-Bost, thus protecting Bost Airport, a vital strategic point for the Allies.
Faced with questions about the necessity of the war, with the trauma of losing their platoon-mates and the emotional scars of battle, the US Marines race against time in one last battle of eradicating the Taliban before it is too late.

Silent Heroes has a strong historical and cultural feel of the area where the action takes place, Afghanistan.

Silent Heroes was chosen ‘One of 5 Books Everyone Should Read in their Lifetime”.




Travel to Afghanistan via my blog posts:

Amazing location depicted in Silent Heroes
5 Remarkable Places You Will Want to Visit After Reading Silent Heroes, When Love and Values Are Worth Fighting for
Bamiyan Buddhas, Silent Heroes

Rafik’s Journey in Silent Heroes. An Afghan Village
Rafik’s Journey in Silent Heroes. At Camp Bastion
Rafik’s Journey in Silent Heroes. The Afghan Desert
Rafik’s Journey in Silent Heroes. The Hindu Kush Mountains
Rafik’s Journey in Silent Heroes. An Oshkosh Vehicle

Songs that Remind me of Silent Heroes: the Afghan people
Songs that Remind me of the Marines, my Silent Heroes

5 Secrets Revealed in Silent Heroes. The Humanity of U.S. Marines
5 Secrets Revealed in Silent Heroes. Women’s Rights under Taliban
5 Secrets Revealed in Silent Heroes. Taliban’s Secret Lair
5 Secrets Revealed in Silent Heroes. The Military Chain of Command
5 Secrets Revealed in Silent Heroes. A Mysterious Underground Fortress

The Soldier and his Dog, Silent Heroes
Symbolism depicted in Silent Heroes and its meaning

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