Wise King Matthias Corvinus, the Fair King, 100-word Story

Eastern Europeans especially love wise King Matthias Corvinus, nicknamed the Fair King. If you wish to understand why, here’s a 100-word story I wrote about him. More like this tale you can discover in DREAMLAND, my latest historical fiction book.

Who was Matthias Corvinus?

“John Hunyadi was one of the greatest military commanders of the Middle Ages. His mother was Erzsebet Morzsinai; his father was Voicu, a Wallachian boyar who served in the army of Sigismund of Luxembourg, King of Hungary and Holy Roman Emperor.

“The son of John Hunyadi to Erzsebet Szilagyi was Matthias Corvinus, born in Cluj, who became King of Hungary in 1458. He reigned for 32 years until his death, remembered as one of the greatest Hungarian kings.

“It is said that Matthias Corvinus, who became one of the greatest kings of Hungary, more than once entered the city of Cluj incognito, to see how commoners were treated.”
(extract from “DREAMLAND, Banat, Crisana, Maramures, Transylvania, 100-WORD STORIES, Folklore and History”).

Corvin Castle, Transylvaia
Corvin Castle, Transylvania

Wise King Matthias Corvinus, the Fair King

The King wished to inspect if his laws were respected. Disguised as a learner, he entered the citadel and saw several men forced under whip to carry logs to the judge’s homestead. How he protested. How he was forced with them into labor.

The following day the king the judge to prove how the royal rules were followed. The judge admitted to treachery not. Yet the king revealed three marked logs.

“King Matthias was here, where is the justice?” it was writing on them in coal.

To this day, the people still remember Matthias as a fair and kind king.

Copyright © Patricia Furstenberg. All Rights Reserved.

You might also enjoy Corvin Castle, Window Slits and Telling Rocks, 100-Word Story

12 Replies to “Wise King Matthias Corvinus, the Fair King, 100-word Story”

  1. Wow! This is such a fascinating story. Now I must get the book and read it. Very lovely❤❤❤❤.

  2. I am glad you find the story interesting, Aparna. There’s so much about our local history that is less known, but fascinating. Thank you 🙂

    1. Ah, thank you for stopping by, Staci.
      Matthias Corvinus is remembered as one of the most generous and brilliant rulers of the Hungarian Empire – of which Transylvania was a part of for about 600 years. So much to say here.

  3. Thank you for sharing this piece of Hungarian history Patricia. I didn’t know about Matthias Corvinus. 32 years is a long time reigning!

  4. This story reminds me of Emperor Akbar. He often disguised himself as a commoner and roamed the streets and marketplaces to inspect the plight of the common people. Reinforces the spirit of humanity. 🙂

  5. Dear Patricia, thank you very much for your presentation of Matthias Corvinus, of whom I don’t remember ever having heard.
    All the best:)

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