Welcome to the 10th Day of Christmas Haiku, Ten Lords a Leaping!

On pouring days when
Sky and earth by rain are joined-
Leap frog games indoors.
Happy New Year 2019!
Eight days after Christmas and throughout January the Christian world celebrates the naming of baby Jesus.
In older versions of “12 Days of Christmas” the lords a leaping were pipers pipping, ships a sailing, fifers fifing, ladies dancing, men a-mowing, cocks a crowing and even asses racing.
Back in the day leaping was an exclusive men’s activity. One explanation would be that during rainy winter’s day men would keep up their stamina by playing a leap game on those long corridors of Victorian houses. Another explanation would be that leaping was used before a battle to raise the morale.
Men a leaping could also symbolize the Morris dancers that performed between courses during a Christmas feast.
I hope you will enjoy the 12 Days of Christmas haiku; there will be published one each day starting on Christmas Day. Subscribe to my newsletter to never miss a blog post.
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12 Days of Christmas images available freely on 3dinosaurs.com
Text and Haiku-San © Patricia Furstenberg.
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