6th Day of Christmas Haiku, Sunday Haiku-San, Six Geese a Laying

Webbed feet, menace honk,
Orange bill, wings spread out. Run!
Still lake at sunset.
Merry Christmas!
I hope you will enjoy the 12 Days of Christmas haiku; there will be published one each day starting on Christmas Day. Subscribe to my newsletter to never miss a blog post.
In a previous version of this song the geese were ducks a-laying.
The geese has always been considered a symbol of the solar year (due to their annual migration) and of fertility.
You can enjoy more haiku on this page of my website.

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I chose the name Haiku-San as it derives from Haiku, meaning unusual verse in Japanese (hai=unusual, ku=verse, strophe) and San, the honorific Japanese title when speaking about people. San is also the phonetic transcription of the first syllable of the English word Sunday, Sun-day hence Haiku-San, a Sunday feature on Alluring Creations involving Haiku I write.
12 Days of Christmas images available freely on 3dinosaurs.com
Text and Haiku-San © Patricia Furstenberg.
I hope you enjoyed my haiku. Let me know your thoughts in comment below.