Drei richtig gute Kinderbücher. Unterhaltsames und schönes bunt illustriertes Bücher wird Eltern und Kinder begeistern.
Continue reading “Geliebte Kinderbücher. Der Gepard und der Hund, Der Elefant und das Lamm, Der Löwe und der Hund”Movie Music Monday, Believe, The Polar Express, Josh Groban, Christmas
Movie Music Monday, Believe, The Polar Express, Josh Groban, Christmas time.
Continue reading “Movie Music Monday, Believe, The Polar Express, Josh Groban, Christmas”Winter Magic, Kids Snow Stories, Christmas Cheer Books, Gift Idea
Winter Magic, Kids Snow Stories. Christmas time and winter holidays are the perfect season to curl up with a mug of hot chocolate and marshmallows and a magical book.
Continue reading “Winter Magic, Kids Snow Stories, Christmas Cheer Books, Gift Idea”Belle Cat, Whiskers on my Mat, 5 Stars Readers Favorite Review
Belle Cat, Whiskers on my Mat, poetry for all, 5 STARS Readers Favorite Review: “This book is definitely a must-read and must-have for all cat lovers and owners.“
Continue reading “Belle Cat, Whiskers on my Mat, 5 Stars Readers Favorite Review”Haiku-San, I Am Life Haiku
I Am Life, a Sunday Haiku: Haiku-San
Continue reading “Haiku-San, I Am Life Haiku”