Die Woestyn Dromedaris or the Desert Dromedary is the first installment in a series of posts about babadiertjies van Afrika, animal cubs from Africa.
Continue reading “Die Woestyn Dromedaris, the Desert Dromedary”The Story of the Giant Radish
The Story of the Giant Radish sprang to my mind today, while I was seeing to our mini vegetable garden. It might be a children’s story, but it illustrates the power of many, when they are working together.
Continue reading “The Story of the Giant Radish”Top 5 Romanian Folk Tales #Im4Ro
Choosing Top 5 Romanian Folk Tales was not an easy task when the amazing people from Folklore Thursday invited me to contribute with an article drawing from the vast Romanian folklore.
Continue reading “Top 5 Romanian Folk Tales #Im4Ro”5 Incredible Animals Friendships Now as Story Books
If we needed more proof that animals feel empathy, these five incredible friendships between animals are the living proof and sure to melt your heart, do enjoy their story books with your child.
Continue reading “5 Incredible Animals Friendships Now as Story Books”Past and Present Monsters of Folk Tales
Fairy tales and folklore are abundant in stories about beasts and are wide spread in cultures all over the world, depicting the past and sometimes the present by the use of monsters that, thus, have entered history through the secret door of folk tales….
Continue reading “Past and Present Monsters of Folk Tales”