So many readers loved An Unexpected Christmas Gift, my latest short story now nominated for Publication of the Month by Spillwords Press. Please VOTE (by 29 December) if you enjoyed my storytelling- or you can read it here then VOTE.
Continue reading “An Unexpected Christmas Gift – Publication of the Month on Spillwords Press”Storytime, An Unexpected Christmas Gift – Un Dar Neaşteptat de Crăciun
An Unexpected Christmas Gift
It was Christmas Eve and while it was still early afternoon, with the heavy clouds now lying low and everyone’s excitement buzzing like bolts of energy, the twinkling lights had begun to glow in the shops’ windows, on the eaves, hung in trees, tucked around door frames, or even adorning the houses of the village. As the wait for Christmas was nearly over and winter still had a long time ahead, mostly feasts and holidays, the cheer was barely contained.
Continue reading “Storytime, An Unexpected Christmas Gift – Un Dar Neaşteptat de Crăciun”Old Romanian War Carols
These old Romanian war carols come to us through the gates of Apuseni Mountains where, throughout the years, the war took many young man, placing its stigma on the lives of those left behind, parents, sweethearts, or the peaceful everyday life of a village.
Continue reading “Old Romanian War Carols”How Earth Came to Be, a Romanian Myth
There is an exceptional story from Romanian folklore, a myth explaining how the earth came to be.
Continue reading “How Earth Came to Be, a Romanian Myth”Celebrating December with a Romanian Legend
Celebrating December the way Romanians did in the old days, with a Romanian legend inherited from time’s haze, with love for the living and a nod to the dead, spirits united on the threshold of a year ahead.
Continue reading “Celebrating December with a Romanian Legend”