The Sun, Rope, Horse and Tree of Life in Romanian Wood Folk Art #Im4Ro

The Sun, Rope, Horse and Tree of Life in Romanian Wood Folk Art

The Sun, the Rope, the Horse, and the Tree of Life are important motifs encountered in traditional Romanian wood folk art.

When you look at an old house, do you see the hand that built it? The hopes and dreams that made it rise above the ground? The blessings that were whispered on its threshold? When you look at a dwelling, do you see – and wonder – why it was built the way it was, and what wonderful secrets its decorations hold?

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The Romanian Blouse, IA, with Unique Story, History, and Symbology #Im4Ro

The Romanian Blouse, IA, its Story, History, and Symbology

The Romanian blouse, ia, is the fruitful outcome of a millennial history and rich tradition. Woven in codes. Ia, this Romanian embroidered peasant blouse also known as la blouse Roumaine, is the acclaimed symbol of the Romanian nation.

Visual patterns representing an unwritten knowledge and assiduous hand crafting seep like bygone scents in our wireless world. Welcome to the Romanian blouse, ia, a highly visual blog post for a trendy fashion symbol.

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