Birds from a South African Garden and Their Beautiful Legends

Thrush Bird checking expecting an answer

Birdwatching is a serene escape into the natural world, offering wonder through observing avian plumage, songs, and behaviors, not to mention discovering unique legends. Birdwatching fosters patience and mindfulness, reminding us of nature’s beauty in the Anthropocene era.

Discover the following garden birds making their nests in our back yard in Gauteng, South Africa: Cape Sparrow or Mossie, Southern Masked Weaver, Cape Glossy Starling, Cape-Turtle Dove, Laughing Dove, Karoo Thrush Bird, Tiptol Bird or Dark-Capped Bulbul, Crested Barbet, and Red-Head Barbet today.

Coming soon: Dark-capped bulbul, Grey Go-Away Bird (Lourie), Southern Boubou, Common Myna (Indian Myna), Hadeda Ibis, African Hoopoe, Red Billed Wood Hoopoe, Cape White-Eye, Thick-Billed Weaver, and more, as soon as they visit our garden.

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Hidden Transylvania, Secrets of Ancient Carpathian Forests and an Enigmatic Grey Wolf

On the Night of Saint Andrew, on Wolves' Night #Im4Ro

Join me in a fictional exploration of hidden Transylvania and its unique wilderness as we unveil the secrets of its ancient Carpathian forests, especially the enigmatic Grey Wolf. I am very excited to take this legendary trip with you as the Grey Wolf plays a big role in my future novel.

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Winter Whispers, Tales from the Frosty Depths

Frost-kissed tales that will chill and amuse you. Where every shadow conceals a legend and every whisper of winter winds tells a story.

Once again…welcome to my house. Come freely. Go safely; and leave something of the happiness you bring..” – Bram Stoker, Dracula

Winter has part of the world secured in its icy tendrils. I would love to jump in a sleigh and journey around the world, unravel frost-kissed tales where every shadow conceals a legend and every whisper of winter winds tells a story.

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