Vampire History You Never Knew of, a Comprehensive Journey

spooky shadow night passage Sibiu comprehensive journey vampire history

“Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster.”

Friedrich Nietzsche

The eternal enigma of vampires lingers in the realm of night. Enigmatic creatures, known for their mysterious nocturnal journeys in pursuit of the life-giving crimson essence, yearn for the vitality they’ve forfeited, thereby weaving a tapestry of legends across history.

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Knock-Knock, Opening a Door on ‘Touch Wood’

Sibiu wooden doors, Christmas doors

Knock-knock,’ I chuckle to myself as I knock on the wooden closet, ‘the work on my next book is going so well, touch the wood!’ And ‘mum’s the word!’ ~ Am I being irrational by succumbing to a positive superstitious belief? Or do I actually improve my performance in a subsequent task by engaging in such credulous thoughts and behaviors? Never mind keeping to a rigorous writing schedule! It feels magical, so it’s got to be, right? 😉

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Bare Bones, Exploring the Rare and Old Densuş Church

Densus Church Transylvania 2000 years old religious site

I love to discover the bare bones of an old church and the rare and ancient Densuş Church is a treat!

The enigmatic Densuş Church is located at a short distance from Ulpia Traiana Sarmizegetusa, once the heartbeat of the sprawling Roman Empire in Dacia. Its eons-old presence calls like a closely kept secret, attracting the interest of historians worldwide… Because within its revered walls is a tapestry made from the threads of history, shrouded in skepticism, and rich with the echoes of ages past.

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