The poem Romanian Calusarii or Man Dancing With Horses is a Pantoum marking my debut on Plum Tree Tavern, a literary magazine I have long admired. So I am thrilled!
Continue reading “Romanian Calusarii or Man Dancing With Horses, a Pantoum”Astonishing Women from Romania’s Past Inspired a Woman Writer, Patricia Furstenberg
On researching my latest book, Dreamland, I met astonishing Women from Romania’s past who inspired me in my carer as a woman writer.
Continue reading “Astonishing Women from Romania’s Past Inspired a Woman Writer, Patricia Furstenberg”Unique African Xhosa Idioms and Proverbs
Among African languages the Xhosa language is embroidered with idioms, proverbs and figurative expressions drawing from a rich culture and history. Some of these African idioms and proverbs are readily understood by any English speaking person while others, if literally interpreted, appear to be meaningless.
Continue reading “Unique African Xhosa Idioms and Proverbs”Midsummer Night in Romania, Sanzienele or Dragaica
On the 24th of June, around Midsummer Night, in Romania we celebrate Sanzienele or Dragaica, but also the birth of Saint John the Baptist.
Continue reading “Midsummer Night in Romania, Sanzienele or Dragaica”When Geometry is Art in Romanian Folk Creations #Im4Ro
When did geometry became art, seeping in everyday Romanian folk creations is a question as old as the cave art of Paleolithic Transylvania, and as old as the first human glimpse of the stars, the flowers, and the rivers. Art is life that’s been lived.
Continue reading “When Geometry is Art in Romanian Folk Creations #Im4Ro”