Hanging garlic for good luck when Dreamland, my new book, hits the Amazon shelves goes with the theme of the collection, and it reminded me of other superstitions involving the well-rounded garlic on Pentecost, de Rusalii..
Continue reading “Garlic and Dreamland Book, Superstitions on Pentecost, Rusalii”The Legend of Putna Monastery #Im4Ro
It took the strength of two men to open the massive wooden doors of Putna Monastery, and they groaned with legends as they parted. And it took two to open the massive doors leading to its nave, a stone engraving overhead remembering all those who helped rebuild and protect it.

The Language that is a Nightingale and the Words of a President
The legend that tells us why the Ukrainian Language is a Nightingale is meant to be shared, especially in these times of war, and not only with children… They say Ukrainian is a language as beautiful as a birdsong, and for its speakers as special and full of hope as the nightingale is.
Continue reading “The Language that is a Nightingale and the Words of a President”The Sunflower Legend, a Folk Tale from Ukraine
The bright and stately Sunflower and its touching legend is a folk tale of Ukraine and a symbol for the inspiring resistance of Ukrainian people.
Symbols and imagery used in national customs and rituals are passed on through generations and become the unseen backbone that supports us in times of trouble.
Continue reading “The Sunflower Legend, a Folk Tale from Ukraine”Infinity Column, Between Art and Symbolism #Im4Ro
The Infinity Column, art or pure symbolism, rises like a sky pillar, a staircase to heaven, and an eternal ray of sun.
The Infinity Column was created by Constantin Brâncuşi – Romanian modernist sculptor, painter, folklorist, philosopher, and musician with a keen interest in science – as part of his Târgu-Jiu Trilogy, alongside the Gate of the Kiss and the Table of Silence.
Continue reading “Infinity Column, Between Art and Symbolism #Im4Ro”