Hanging garlic for good luck when Dreamland, my new book, hits the Amazon shelves goes with the theme of the collection, and it reminded me of other superstitions involving the well-rounded garlic on Pentecost, de Rusalii..
Continue reading “Garlic and Dreamland Book, Superstitions on Pentecost, Rusalii”Corvin Castle, Window Slits and Telling Rocks, 100-Word Story #Im4Ro
We return to Corvin Castle only to gaze at its window slits and telling rocks in a 100-word story.
When you ventured through an old place, have you ever thought, if only these walls could speak… Would you be prepared to listen to their tales? For receiving, upon asking, can be a dangerous game.
Listen, then. Who tells this story?
Continue reading “Corvin Castle, Window Slits and Telling Rocks, 100-Word Story #Im4Ro”A Midsummer’s Night, from Magic Sânzienele to Machiavelli’s Dream
It is said that during the midsummer’s night of 1527, a night when Romanians celebrate Sânzienele, the magic Gentle Fairies, Niccolò Machiavelli had his last dream, and a telling dream it was.
It must have been the summer’s giddy energy firing between the Sun and the Earth at exactly ninety degrees during the Summer Solstice that caused this coincidence…
Continue reading “A Midsummer’s Night, from Magic Sânzienele to Machiavelli’s Dream”Bear And Travelers, A Killer Fable On Bare Friendship
If you ever plan on going in a journey, make sure you do so with true friends, warns us ‘The Bear and the Travelers’, a timeless fable here retold for its killer advice on always considering the bare bones of a friendship.
Continue reading “Bear And Travelers, A Killer Fable On Bare Friendship”Table Mountain and the Legend of the Querulous Giant who Blasted the Cape Sea Route Free
For nearly four centuries the Giant of Table Mountain watched over the only Cape Sea Route connecting the Mediterranean Sea, past Cape Town, South Africa, with the Indian Ocean.
Continue reading “Table Mountain and the Legend of the Querulous Giant who Blasted the Cape Sea Route Free”