Once upon a time, in a fortress far away, in the lost town of Iriin, an emperor known by the name of Sehachi (some called him Sachaisa) had twelve vivid dreams in one single night. No one in the emperor’s entourage could explain their meaning, until they heard of a great scholar and philosopher named Mamer, who could interpret such dreams. So they invited Mamer to court. He came, for he was wise enough to know that if the emperor himself invites you, then there is great cause and you must go at once.
Continue reading “The Twelve Dreams of Mamer, a Medieval Legend”5 Books Everyone Should Read in Their Lifetime – by Mani
I read 5 Books Everyone Should Read in Their Lifetime once, twice, rubbed my eyes and read it again as lovely Mani has listed my novel Silent Heroes alongside titles by Jodi Picoult and Ken Follett! So I am sharing my joy with you!
Continue reading “5 Books Everyone Should Read in Their Lifetime – by Mani”7 Dogs That Left their Paws on History
Today I take a break from writing fiction about dogs to take a closer look at a few canine mementos, more exactly at 7 dogs that put their paws on history – and on the reader’s hearts.
Continue reading “7 Dogs That Left their Paws on History”On Philosophy Today and on Writing
On Philosophy Today and on Writing looks at how closely the two practices are intertwined.
2,300 years ago, Socrates asked himself a question that has had repercussions to this day: What is man and especially what can he become?
Continue reading “On Philosophy Today and on Writing”Afghanistan, a Dangerous Landscape
Much or less is known about Afghanistan and its dangerous landscape. An old Afghan proverb says: ‘There is a path to the top of even the highest mountain.’ Of course there is, and a view to go with it. A history lesson too, I would add.
Continue reading “Afghanistan, a Dangerous Landscape”