Gothic and whimsy, once named At the Black Bear, the Pharmacy Museum of Sibiu is a wondrous place tucked behind a bowed wooden door sheltered by the Small Square’s vaulted loggias.
Continue reading “Gothic and Whimsy, the Pharmacy Museum of Sibiu”The Medieval and Legendary Small Square of Sibiu
I met the medieval, legendary, and quaint Small Square at night time, in the Citadel of Sibiu. Once part of the medieval city walls and of the second fortification of Sibiu, Hermannstadt, (built after the Mongol invasion), today it’s quiet, keeping to the shadows, taking shelter behind its many archways. The picturesque Small Square looks shy of new visitors. But as my footsteps echoed on its cobblestones, its fabulous history came alive in front of my eyes.
Continue reading “The Medieval and Legendary Small Square of Sibiu”A Studded Gothic Door and a Medieval Door Lock, Evangelical Church Sibiu
What can be more intriguing than a studded gothic door with a Medieval door lock found inside the Evangelical Church Sibiu as well as a story – how else! – for the exciting Thursday Doors weekly challenge.
Continue reading “A Studded Gothic Door and a Medieval Door Lock, Evangelical Church Sibiu”Goldsmiths Square Sibiu, Contemporary Photos and the Story of a Medieval Mongol Invasion
Look past the contemporary photos of Goldsmiths Square Sibiu and discover the life of a medieval village at the time of the Mongol invasion of 1241, through a story.
Continue reading “Goldsmiths Square Sibiu, Contemporary Photos and the Story of a Medieval Mongol Invasion”Old Targului Street Sibiu Day-Night Walk Photos and a Medieval Story
As we wandered on the thousand years old Targului Street in Sibiu and snapped both eerie and cheerful photos I imagined how life must have been like for the Saxons who built the first wooden houses here during Medieval Era and wrote a story.
Sibiu started, as did our journey on my blog, on a small piece of land: Huet Square, Goldsmiths’ Square, and Targului Street.
With this blog post I join the beautiful & world-wide Thursday Doors weekly challenge hosted by Dan Antion, do have a look. Dan also read one of my poetry books about dogs, and I am grateful to him for sharing his candid thoughts.
Continue reading “Old Targului Street Sibiu Day-Night Walk Photos and a Medieval Story”