Enjoy Winternag, Winter Night by Eugene Marais here in both Afrikaans and English.
Eugene Marais was a South African lawyer, naturalist, poet and writer. He wrote this poem in 1905.
Cecilia by Simon & Garfunkel with Lily & Bear
Enjoy an uplifting tune, Cecilia (Simon and Garfunkel) performed here by Lily and Bear (Bianca & Heinrich) from South Africa!
Continue reading “Cecilia by Simon & Garfunkel with Lily & Bear”Pink Moon and Coronavirus Pandemic
Looking at the Pink Moon during the wee hours of another day under the lockdown of Coronavirus Pandemic 2020 I wrote these two poems. I hope you will enjoy them.
Continue reading “Pink Moon and Coronavirus Pandemic”A Poem You Can Read in English and Afrikaans
Seen sometimes as barriers, languages are the tools we use to communicate and understand each other or the information at hand, such as this poem we can read in both English and Afrikaans.
Continue reading “A Poem You Can Read in English and Afrikaans”Afrikaanse Vergelykings – Afrikaans Simile – Your Comprehensive & Fun Guide
Welkom by Afrikaanse Vergelykings – Afrikaans simile.
We often use similes without realizing, when we desire to emphasize the meaning of an idea or an image. But similes allow us insight into a different culture, as you can notice from these Afrikaans similes and their English translations.
Ons gebruik gereeld vergelykings, somtyds sonder dat ons dit besef, om ‘n idee of beeld te versterk. Vergelykings gee ons ook insig in ander kulture, soos jy kan opmerk van herdie Afrikaanse vergelykings en hulle (direkte) Engelse vertalings.
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