Green Are… Poem and Photography from my Garden

Green Are, Poem and Photography from my Garden

Green are the leaves that grow between birds
Outside my window, playing hide and seek with the sky.
And green are the last of my vineyard’s hopes too,
Among rusty leaves, the last of a summer of grapes.

Green are my thoughts, the ones you see through my eyes –
Is my soul green? I surely hope it still is.
And green are the thoughts I keep in my heart,
For they are not ripe-green yet.

For green is good, I think,
As long as aplenty green things there are.
The singular green frightens me, envious and cold,
Therefore green is good in a bunch.

For green were the seas of my childhood tales
Of maidens who could and princes who dared, a tad.
And green were my teen years,
When I thought I could do it all, like them.

Green are the spines on my bookshelves now,
And a magic green pencil lays on my desk
For the times inspiration fails me,
I pick it and its energy handwrites me new tales.

Green Are Poem Photography

Green are my hopes that end one more decade,
And I think that’s pretty cool too.
For green speaks of more springs to come,
Of harvests of hopes, and a future in green.

Green Are Poem Photography

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11 Replies to “Green Are… Poem and Photography from my Garden”

  1. Tweeted your post with comment –

    ‪excerpt, “green is good in a bunch”‬
    ‪- a lovely intimate poem alive with images ‬


    Really enjoyed this, Pat! ❤️

  2. Pat, I just returned from a walk behind our house. No vineyards. Yet, many farms and I was taking pictures and paying attention to the lush greenery everywhere. Coincidentally, I open up your poem this afternoon “Green are….”.

    I will never look at “green” the same way again. I could be wrong, Pat. One part of the poem leads me to believe you will be celebrating a special birthday. Yet, all birthdays are special. And yes, “more springs to come.” A beautiful, thought-provoking poem.

  3. What a marvelous coincidence, Erica. To pleased to her about it 🙂
    And your gut feeling is spot on!

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