Father, a Sunday Haiku: Haiku-San

Careworn, labored hands,
Troubled, creased, smoothed by love,
A dad’s life in short.
I chose the name Haiku-San as it derives from Haiku, meaning unusual verse in Japanese (hai=unusual, ku=verse, strophe) and San, the honorific Japanese title when speaking about people. San is also the phonetic transcription of the first syllable of the English word Sunday, Sun-day hence Haiku-San, a Sunday feature on Alluring Creations involving Haiku I write.
You can find more Haiku in my new book of poetry, As Good AS Gold:
“Haikus at the end were tiny diamonds.” (Kathryn Meyer Griffith, long time author)
“This is a truly delightful and uplifting book of poems through the eyes of mans faith friend and companion, his dog. I often use to look into the eyes of my own dogs and just wonder how they saw the world and well I think Pat Furstenberg has probably come up with the nearest possible answers.” (Susan Hampson)
Text and Haiku-San © Patricia Furstenberg.
(Image courtesy Pixabay)
I hope you enjoyed my haiku. Let me know your thoughts in comment below.