Poets, Poetry and a Pandemic

We need poets and poetry more than any time before, today when we are faced with a worldwide pandemic because poets have more heart in their hearts and more life in their poems than these are pandemic statistics released daily.

We need poets and poetry to help us escape from the present, apparate ourselves to a time where all is well with the world and amour’s heartbreak or the familiar in nature are enough to fill our daily thoughts.

Poetry, much like a warrior in disguise, is a shot of strength and optimism hidden under a shabby, fragile clothing.

In a time when the focus is on the outer world, poetry stirs emotions within ourselves, shifting our focus inward, even for a brief time; releasing emotions, tensions, and fears.

In a world focused on living inside walls, poetry brings back images of nature, this millennial reminder that, no matter what, life survives, life goes on, life is beautiful.

Poets Poetry Pandemic
Poets, Poetry and a Pandemic

During a time when life seems to stand still, yet hours do stretch beyond the norm, leaving us out of tune with the passing of the day or of the week, poetry is the portal we can use to escape the cabin fever, the lockdown pressure, the endless thoughts and questions swimming in circles through our mind.

During times when life focuses on harsh reality, on stark colors, poetry is a lyrical rainbow. Like any color, perceived as a different shade by each individual, poetry leaves space to interpretation, something we do crave during times of pandemic, when scientists seem to be having it black on white. Death seems so technical these days, so sterile. Poetry is the colorful glass we can look through to connect with the world on an emotional level again.

Poetry ~ and books ~ are the only needed luxury during a pandemic.

Stay safe.Stay same. Read a poem.

As always, find my books on Amazon.

14 Replies to “Poets, Poetry and a Pandemic”

  1. Thank you so much, Martie 🙂
    And for visiting 😉 I’ll have tea and cookies next time. xx

    1. Always, isn’t it 🙂
      It is so good to see you here, Marje. All good here.

      I apologize for your comment showing up so late, I discovered it in the spam folder, can’t understand why as I do follow you on WP.

      I hope you will visit again.
      Stay well and inspired 🙂

        1. Really good to hear all is well on your side, Marje.
          I think that keeping busy and sticking to a routine is paramount these days.

          Have a good week further.

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