Vagabondul, Poveste in O Suta de Cuvinte, The Wanderer, 100-Word Story

Vagabondul este o poveste in exact o suta de cuvinte, translated and adapted into Romanian from The Wanderer, 100-word story.

Vagabondul, o Suta de Cuvinte

Durerile de cap incepeau întotdeauna seara, moment în care simțea o acută nevoie de aer curat. 

Locuia în cartierul vechi. De obicei se strecura până la capătul tunelului, stătea acolo o vreme, apoi o lua peste pod, pe lânga biserica cea veche, până la râu. Câteodată îl vedea strălucind ca un șarpe. Altădată doar îl auzea, șuierând. 

Ii auzea și pe trecătorii târzii. Mulți se obișnuiseră cu apariția lui și unii chiar încercaseră să îi dea o mână de ajutor. Dar el nu accepta. Nu îi lăsa să se aproprie prea mult.

Seara, când durerile de cap puneau stăpânire pe el, nu avea decât un gand. Bâjbâia dupa el până în piața de jos. Se strecura anevoie prin spatele statuilor și, de îndată ce se găsea printre copacii răcoroși, căuta o bancă unde să tragă un pui de somn. 

Colegul său de cameră îl căuta in fiecare dimineaţa. Odată chiar i-a lipit poza pe toți stâlpii de iluminat din cartierul vechi. 

Dar Roman, motanul, întotdeauna se întorcea acasă. 

Publicata initial pe Masticadores Romania – first published.

The bridge at Corvin Castle
The old bridge at Corvin Castle

The Wanderer, 100-Word Story

Most evenings, when headaches took over, only fresh air helped.

From the old town he’d sneak through the tunnel, cross the bridge by the church. The river, a glossy snake in the night, a hissing beast.

Familiar with late travellers, they knew him too attempting to help but he always kept his distance.

When headaches took over he had one thought. He stumbled after it down-town, sneak behind statues and, when he reached the cool trees eyed a bench to nap.

His roommate searched for him each morning, stuck his picture on light-posts.

But Wander the cat always returned home.

Copyright © Patricia Furstenberg. All Rights Reserved.

I noticed that there is an ISSUE with POSTING COMMENTS.

For example, there are a few websites where I can’t comment since last week. It looks as if my comment will be posted, page refreshes and my comment doesn’t appear. If I try to re-post the same text, I am warned that this is a duplicate comment.

Sometimes I can hit “reply” on an existing comment then my comment goes through. On other websites I can’t even do this.

I think that some of you might have the same problem with my website.
Know that I haven’t changed any settings. I updated to WordPress 6.0 over the weekend, hoping that this issue will go away. It did not.

If you know anything of such an issue or you have experienced it yourself, try to comment or, alternatively email me at patricia @ alluringcreations DOT co DOT za

Here’s hoping that we will work through this issue as well.
Have a great week further!
Thank you.

Dreamland by Patricia Furstenberg, legends and folklore of Romania
OUT NOW: Dreamland by Patricia Furstenberg, stories inspired by the legends and folklore of Romania

18 Replies to “Vagabondul, Poveste in O Suta de Cuvinte, The Wanderer, 100-Word Story”

  1. Ce ți-e și cu motanii ăștia! 🙂 Dar ești sigură că durerile de cap îl scoteau din casă? Cred că mai curând miorlăitul unei pisici. 🙂 În orice caz, m-ai ținut în suspans până la sfârșit. Nu ghicisem că-i vorba de un motănel.
    Pfft! Those tom cats! But are you sure he went out because of his headaches? I bet the mewing of an alley cat, like a siren song, lured him out. 🙂 In any case you’re a master of suspense. I hadn’t guessed our hero was a tom cat.

  2. Sweetie 🙂

    I see what you did here, Jo. Thank you for posting your comment in Romanian and English.

    Probabil ca era o mâţă, cum ai bănuit tu 🙂 Vezi, de aia e mai bine să ai un căţel 😉
    Mă bucur mult că ţi-a plăcut povestioara mea.

    I took may liberties translating. I wondered what you would have done 😉 But being my story I thought, why not? Besides, being constrained to 100 words added to the task.

    Great seeing you here, Jo! I hope all’s well. Hugs

    1. I’ve mirrored your post. 🙂 But you know, you should have posted the English version first. Most people are in a hurry and seeing a text in a foreign language may put them off. Just an idea…

  3. Even a cat can be looking forward to reach a cool trees, where to have a nap on a bench! Patricia, I had to find your post again on the Reader in order to post a comment! I also like it, when you write in Romanian:)

    1. Yes, especially a cat 🙂
      And I should post more stories in Romanian then.

      Thank you for letting me know, Martina. I’ve scheduled my website maintenance for the weekend.

      1. Other languages and other cultures are very precious for me, Patricia, and I think that it’s a pitty to always let English have the upper hand on the world!:)
        I don’t know whether maintenance is also possible with blogs! Many thanks, however, for your information and let’s see, if changes will occur.

  4. Yes, there has been a problem with comments and likes on many sites. It’s very frustrating. Thank you for sharing this wonderful story!

  5. That’s wonderful, Patricia. I quite often find that comments on your articles say “closed.” It says that on your article this week on African phrases. Toni x

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