Light growing, shadows creeping while gazing out at the Black Sea throughout a day. Time passing. Making memories. Building stories.
Continue reading “Light and Shadows While Gazing Out at Sea, #FridayFeeling”Small Square Sibiu, Transylvania, Whimsical Decor, #Im4Ro #ThursdayDoors
Small Square in whimsical city of Sibiu, Transylvania, hides many quaint places not only secret passages and curious eyes on its roofs.
Continue reading “Small Square Sibiu, Transylvania, Whimsical Decor, #Im4Ro #ThursdayDoors”Bâlea Lake, Făgăraș Mountains #Im4Ro #WordlessWednesday #TravelPhotography
Bâlea Lake, Făgăraș Mountains, Romania:
Continue reading “Bâlea Lake, Făgăraș Mountains #Im4Ro #WordlessWednesday #TravelPhotography”Colecția de Povestiri Science-Fiction & Fantasy pentru Nevăzători, The Collection of Sci-Fi and Fantasy Stories for Visually Impaired
Colecția de Povestiri Science-Fiction & Fantasy pentru Prietenii Noștri Nevăzătorii a fost lansată la AntareSFest 2023 Editia VII care a avut loc la Brașov, Octombrie 2023.
The Collection of Science-Fiction & Fantasy Stories for Our Visually Impaired Friends was launched at AntareSFest 2023, the 7th Edition, held in Brașov in October 2023.
Acest articol este redactat in limbile română și engleză.
This article is presented in Romanian and English.
A Transylvanian Tale of Old Superstitions and New Horror
Enjoy a Transylvanian tale where old superstitions and new horror go hand in hand and just in time for Halloween and the feast of Saint Andrew, Sfantul Andrei in Romanian, observed on the 30th of November.
Continue reading “A Transylvanian Tale of Old Superstitions and New Horror”