Bucharest or Paris? Travel Photography and a Guessing Game #Im4Ro

What better way to celebrate two amazing cities, Bucharest and Paris, linked by history, culture and architecture (Bucharest was nicknamed Little Paris of the East between 1848 to 1930s but with travel photography and a guessing game?

Opposite landmarks of Europe, these emblematic capital cities, Bucharest and Paris, have evolved from settlements dating as far back as antiquity into modern metropolis. Both built near large bodies of water, Dâmbovița and respectively Seine, Bucharest and Paris have survived through revolutions, world wars and have seen their cobblestone streets spilled with blood, but also with champagne.

Bucharest and Paris are cities that represent an entire world, where everyone can discover something to connect with, something of interest… be it listening to the romantic tunes of the accordions and living la vie en rose at the vaudeville or at the opera… strolling along their streets (Paris, City of Light, or Bucharest, the first city in the world that introduced gas lighting in 1857)… Paris, the gateway to France, or Bucharest, the gateway between the Tsars and the Ottoman Empire of the east and the Christian kingdoms of the west – ever since Vlad Țepeș, “Lord and ruler over all of Wallachia, and the duchies of Amlaș and Făgăraș” (Vlad III, Vlad Dracula) first mentioned his new fortress of Bucharest as his “princely residence” on 20 September 1459 (Curtea Veche, the Old Princely Court today).

Bucharest or Paris? Travel Photography and a Guessing Game – are you ready?

First look at the photos below and take your guess, Bucharest or Paris, then scroll with your mouse over the image to discover if you were right.

Bucharest or Paris Travel Photography and a Guessing Game
Bucharest or Paris Travel Photography and a Guessing Game
Bucharest or Paris Travel Photography and a Guessing Game
Bucharest or Paris Travel Photography and a Guessing Game
Bucharest or Paris Travel Photography and a Guessing Game
Bucharest or Paris Travel Photography and a Guessing Game
Bucharest or Paris Travel Photography and a Guessing Game
Bucharest, National Military Club, designed by Romanian architect Dimitrie Maimaroiu, was built in 1912
Paris Louvre
Bucharest or Paris Travel Photography and a Guessing Game
Bucharest - Cismigiu Parc
Bucharest, the Arch of Triumph
Bucharest by night
Paris by night
Bucharest, National Theater by night

Wishing my French readers Joyeux 14 juillet! Happy Bastille Day!

If you enjoy books set in exotic locations have a look at my two novels below, one set in Simon’s Town, at a Naval Base during WW2, and one in Afghanistan, during the ongoing war:

Books by Patricia Furstenberg on Amazon

33 Replies to “Bucharest or Paris? Travel Photography and a Guessing Game #Im4Ro”

  1. The architecture of both places is amazing. I did horribly on the quiz.:-( But I think those who are more well traveled will do better.

  2. Priscilla, you do get full brownie points for your honesty 🙂

    I specifically set aside all famous landmarks – maybe with the exception of the respective Arches of Triumph – as I wanted to illustrate how similar the two cities are, at least with regards to their Romantic and Neoclassical architecture 🙂

    Thank you for playing! 🙂

  3. Merci, Louis.
    I see you hint at the Merry Cemetery of Romanian village Săpânța, famous for its colorful tombstones and cheery inscriptions. 🙂

  4. Woohoo! and thank you for sharing in my joy.
    We should celebrate 😉 We made avocado-chocolate mousse the other day, the best of both worlds!
    Thank you, Angela 🙂

  5. After getting 3 of the first 4 wrong I gave up on the quiz 😀
    But there’s no shortage of stunning architecture to admire in both cities.
    This was a fun post.

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