When Cheetah First Cried is a retelling of an African folk story that explains why cheetahs have two vertical lines on their faces.
Continue reading “When Cheetah First Cried”Dacian Horses of Bronze Age #Im4Ro
Dacian Horses of Bronze Age is part of the 100 words story series and is a tale inspired by the taming of the first free horses that roamed Transylvania’s lands, in Romania.
Continue reading “Dacian Horses of Bronze Age #Im4Ro”How the Snake Lost Its Legs
A recent discovery of snake fossils proved that snakes used to have limbs, so let’s imagine how the snake lost its legs in a short story from the series Babadiertjies van Afrika, baby animals from Africa.
The colors of the desert were red, its tall dunes were red, punctuated by green grass clumps. These were the colors the boy knew best. Oh, and the sky’s bright blue that the dune’s sharp crests profiled against.
Continue reading “How the Snake Lost Its Legs”Behind the Cave Art of Transylvania, 100 words story
Behind the Cave Art of Transylvania is a 100 words story inspired by the Paleolithic horse cave paintings of Transylvania.
Art is a way of expressing one self, of celebrating an event or slaying one’s demons. Of course, in the cave paintings they created the Neanderthals would have painted their world as they’ve seen it, depicted their dreams and their fears.
Continue reading “Behind the Cave Art of Transylvania, 100 words story”Die Reusagtige Olifant, The Giant Elephant and the Rain
Die Reusagtige Olifant and The Giant Elephant and the Rain are the next chapter in die babadiertjies van Afrika, baby animals from Africa series you can enjoy here, on my blog.
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Die Reusagtige Olifant
The Elephant
The Giant Elephant and the Rain, a Folktale Retold