A Room to Swing a Cat In is a short story inspired by the history behind the house of Nicolas Flamel, 51 rue de Montmorency, the 3rd arrondissement of Paris, while its majestic doors represent my weekly contribution to Thursday Doors.
Continue reading “A Room to Swing a Cat In, a Short Story for Thursday Doors”Dacian Horses of Bronze Age #Im4Ro
Dacian Horses of Bronze Age is part of the 100 words story series and is a tale inspired by the taming of the first free horses that roamed Transylvania’s lands, in Romania.
Continue reading “Dacian Horses of Bronze Age #Im4Ro”The Oldest Christmas Story and the Christmas Star
The Oldest Christmas Story. Enjoy! Merry Christmas! “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.”
It had snowed on the Gray-Haired Mountain that December and the winter’s icy breath had rolled down along the valleys of the Judaean Mountains, covering them with a white blanket that dissipated as soon as one set foot on it.
Continue reading “The Oldest Christmas Story and the Christmas Star”Transylvania, Romania, Its Origin and Etymology #Im4Ro
When it comes to Transylvania, this spellbound geographical and historical province of Romania, its origin and etymology have always stirred debates. From the identity of the first settlers to the rights over the land and even the etymology of its name, the two schools of thought still engage in heated discussions. For me, as a Romanian, the explanation is crystal clear, and a long and interesting story it is. Do read it and let me know what your conclusions are.
Continue reading “Transylvania, Romania, Its Origin and Etymology #Im4Ro”Travel Through Doors, Best of 2020
Travel Through Doors and discover the best doors as seen in my 2020 Thursday Doors blog posts. Thursday Doors is a blog feature everyone can take part in, initiated by Norm who later presented the baton to Dan.
Continue reading “Travel Through Doors, Best of 2020”