Snow’s Thousand Faces and Meanings

frozen snow mening pictures

I love snow in all its aspects, yet browsing through past holiday pictures I realized that snow has thousands of faces and meanings. From the simple joy of snowflakes to the excitement and rush of making a snow angel or a snowman; from the wonder of an icicle to the art nature instills in a frozen fence; or, simply, the unspoiled wonder the morning after a snow storm holds.

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5 Secrets Revealed in Silent Heroes. Taliban’s Secret Lair

Taliban's secret lifestyle in their Hindu Kush hiding - too dangerous to be researched or shared

I enjoy the excitement, the thrill secrecy puts in a novel. To me, dark mysteries always improve a book’s plot, especially when they add that ultimate twist to the story. And when that bit information is slightly out of reach, the enigma surrounding it is so much more appealing. In my latest book of contemporary fiction, Silent Heroes, I revealed such an obscure enigma: Taliban’s secret lair.

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