Dreamland, Cover Reveal, New Historical Fiction by Patricia Furstenberg

Out today Dreamland, new historical fiction by Patricia Furstenberg: Dreamland: Banat, Crisana, Maramures, Transylvania, 100-WORD STORIES, Folklore and History.

First, a little story for you:

Life of a Shepherd, 100-word Story inspired by Transylvania – from DREAMLAND

The shepherd whistls and in the distance the herding dogs stirred the sheep.
The old man snorted as he walked hunchbacked, like an old croocked tree, into the wind.
And the shepherd led, rod on his shoulder, along the road back home, home to a leaking roof, creaky floors, each step closer to his old woman, children, and love.
The wind pushed him faster along the trees planted by his lads, with a swing waiting for grandchildren, with the horse and the lambs.
The man longs again for the fields, the bales, the weather; freedom.

Copyright © Patricia Furstenberg. All Rights Reserved.

I could say, phew as well! Dreamland took seven long months to create. To research, sieve, dream, write 117 stories of 100-words each. But it’s been fun and I enjoyed the ride, as always.
I’ll go now and meet the sun. After a weekend of accumulating some vitamin D, I’ll crawl back into my writing den and return to work on my historical fiction trilogy.

COVER REVEAL, Dreamland:

Dreamland: Banat, Crisana, Maramures, Transylvania, 100-WORD STORIES, Folklore and History.

Dreamland: Banat, Crisana, Maramures, Transylvania, 100-WORD STORIES, Folklore and History.

Dreamland, BUY LINKS:

Dreamland, the new historical fiction by Patricia Furstenberg, is available for now through Amazon.

Amazon US, Amazon UK, Amazon Germany, Amazon Canada, Amazon Australia

Dreamland: Banat, Crisana, Maramures, Transylvania, 100-WORD STORIES, Folklore and History.

Paperback too!

Read more 100-word stories on my blog here. You might even like the genre…

31 Replies to “Dreamland, Cover Reveal, New Historical Fiction by Patricia Furstenberg”

  1. Hearty congratulations, dear Patricia. I am so intrigued by your book cover that I would love to read it as soon as possible. ❤❤❤

  2. My compliments for your new 100 words book DREAMLAND, which I shall try to download onto my Kindle! I wish you some relaxing days:)

    1. Thank you so much, Martina. I’m looking forward to spending time with my family and cooking some winter soup). And maybe even have a glass of wine tonight as I’m done with my “homework” 🙂

  3. Congratulations! It is wonderful, and so important, that you have captured history in the written word. Awesome in 100 word stories. I look forward to reading it.

  4. Congratulations on your new book Patricia! The cover is beautiful -I really love it- and I’m sure the content will be absolutely amazing.

  5. Congratulations Patricia! You are a master of 100 words stories. They are so challenging to write. Will check it out. Do keep getting some sunlight. 🙂

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