Can a newly adopted puppy get time out? Let’s see what puppies think – through a humorous story.

I’ve got to be quiet; I’ve got to lie still. They didn’t put me in a corner, but they did give me… time out. Only inside…
It was because of shredding the newspaper to bits on Sunday morning… and bumping over the trash can in the kitchen, which spilled the garbage…
I only tried to clean up!
Oh, and for scratching Mom’s bedroom door. But I tried to get in! It was a matter of life and death! It was past breakfast time and everybody was still sleeping!
I’m in the hallway now, on the carpet. This one is a rough carpet, not soft like the one in our bedroom. It tickles my tummy. I’ve got to scratch.
But I’ve got to sit still.
Oh, the carpet itches. My tummy itches.
“Sit still, puppy!” Mom had said…
But I’ve got an itch. Just one scratch?
Quick, while nobody’s watching.
Thump! Bang!
“The umbrella stand?! Whatever next?!”
I lay flat on the carpet. I wish I could melt in it and disappear.
I really didn’t, didn’t, didn’t want to bump it over!
It was just an itch.
A big itch and I’m a small puppy.
I’ve got to be quiet; I’ve got to lie still.
Now I’m outside.
Time out SHOULD take place outside? It only makes sense.
Mom hasn’t told me to sit still; she just opened the door and pointed outside. But I want to. To show her I’m a good puppy.
What does a good puppy do? I wonder if my friend Mole knows. He seems to know so much… There he is! He’s always busy digging. He’s such a good digger, he keeps all the plants fresh, Mom’s flowers pretty.
Mom loves flowers.
Maybe that’s what I should do! Pick some flowers for her. Dad brought her flowers last week and she was so happy she danced!
If I should make her so happy she’ll forget all about being upset with me!
I’ll do it! For Mom!
Here, a mouthful of flowers for Mom; freshly picked!

They did got a bit squashed in the process, but it’s the thought that counts, isn’t it?
“Mom, my puppy’s barking outside the door! Can I please let him in now? I’m sure he learned his lesson.”
“Puppy!! My flowers! And LOOK at ALL this mud! PUPPY!”
by Patricia Furstenberg
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