Archaic, Happy Blue Windows and Whimsy Hills from Romania #Im4Ro

I’m bringing you an archaic home with happy blue windows and the view of whimsy Romanian hills for Jude’s July Life in Color Photo Challenge 2021.

After the idyllic Transylvanian house with blue windows and the authentic 1885 house by the Black Sea today we stroll to the north-west of Romania, to Bihor county.

On a sliver of land, between the silver crest of Biharia Mountains (Bihor Mountains), and the dark waters of Black Crișul River, homes such as this – mirroring a well established society – smile to the world.

Built in 19th century, the Biharia house was later taken apart piece by piece, transported, and rebuilt at the Village Museum in Bucharest.

I couldn’t find any information on this specific detail, but I am sure that the blue window frames with their wavy lines are inspired by the waters of the Black Crișul River…

Happy Blue Windows, whimsy hills, Blue house museum Câmpanii de Sus, Bihor
Above, the wavy line adorns the windows facing the main road. A warm welcome! 🙂

… and perhaps by the blue snowed peaks of the Biharia Mountains that often pierce the clouds. The Biharia Mountains are the highest peak in the Western Carpathians.

Blue Windows and Whimsy Hills

The river’s name, Crișul, derives from Dacian Krísos, meaning black, word derived from Thracian krs-, kres- meaning colorful. Sometimes the names of a river tell so much about its personality. There are four rivers in the Crișul family: White, Black, Fast and Rocky. I don’t know in which one I’d dare swim 🙂

A rock foundation elevates the house. The front porch has a step, for keeping poultry out, as well as winter’s nasty snowdrifts. For the same reason, the roof is slanted:

House with blue details, museum, Câmpanii de Sus, Bihor
Jovial Blue Windows, Blue house museum Câmpanii de Sus, Bihor

Because it was a mountainous area, with fresh water nearby, the rock, wood and clay would have been within easy reach. Luckily. After securing a plot, of course. The extended family would have helped, neighbors too, and the house would have been raised under the watchful eye of a master builder.

Yet a fountain would have been dug first, then an access road, and then only the home.

House with blue details, museum, Câmpanii de Sus, Bihor
The front porch has a step, for keeping poultry out 🙂

Imagine building a house such as this, turning it into a home, and leading a thankful life, while enjoying a similar view:

Blue Windows and Whimsy Hills

Only that once built the house, as well the land it stood on, entered the family. And it would have been passed on from one generation to the next as the most treasured possession. One that had to be looked after, as a way to honor one’s ancestors.

29 Replies to “Archaic, Happy Blue Windows and Whimsy Hills from Romania #Im4Ro”

    1. I think the world is much more alike than we care to acknowledge. But, yes, 40 years back, and at a much slower pace. What do we take with us but the memories of what we touched, and what we built with our own hands?

      Such a great pleasure, Michael. If it appealed to you, then I am twice as glad!

      Thank you for re-posting! 🙂
      Best wishes, Pat

  1. Ha ha 🙂 Just imagining it! Most probably not. They do fly, don’t they? 🙂
    Lovely seen you here, Miss Judy.

  2. I like how you put it “happy blue windows”. They are happy indeed. 🙂 My life has been a bit hectic lately. Your post made me nostalgic for the good old times. I bet I would have been happier back then. Off topic: you made changes to your site and once again your posts are missing from WordPress reader. 🙁 I thought I should let you know. ❤️

  3. I hope your days will calm down soon, Jo. Here’s for a serene August with lots of good TV series 🙂

    Thank you. I published the post with the date I started working on it. Missed that detail. But I fixed it. Might now show in WP timeline.

    1. I do hope it was a relaxing ride, Bernadette. So pleased you could come along! 😉

  4. The pictures are so beautiful, Patricia. Blue just mesmerizes me. And taking a house apart and then putting it back together somewhere else. Now that’s real effort. Definitely a lot of thought went into the architecture.
    And the rivers sound too dangerous. I don’t even know how to swim. Yikes!
    I like how you weave your thoughts, facts, and opinions together. So interesting!
    Thanks for this great sharing. It’s much appreciated. 🙂

    1. So happy to hear that yo enjoyed the sight and the story, Terveen. Each stone has a tale to tell, isn’t it? Much like the people from your fiction 🙂

  5. Great story and just a magnificent home with so much history. We don’t hang onto anything in the US. Anything old is torn down. I love the “happy blue windows.” Hugs Joni

  6. These are indeed nice places. Thanks for taking the time to write so profoundly about my country! <3

  7. Out of this world locations 🙂 How could I not pass on the whisper?

    Cu multa placere!

  8. So glad you shared this with me 🙂 ‘Larger than life”, beautifully said.
    A house looking outside with big, happy eyes. 🙂
    Thank you for visiting.

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